Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Mizizi Launch

I have to say guys, for all the fears I had about going back, I came out having twice as much fun. It was the first time I met these people but I had fun and laughed so hard, man, I told you Mavuno is where it's at!!! I even left with one phone number....female! Remember, I resolved to make more female friends to even things and maybe even tip the balance with all my male friends after Sunday's sermon. So,yay, new friend for me! :-)

So, I got there, I'd planned to be late so I'd miss the refreshments and mingling part, but things worked out differently because one of my friends drove me home from school so I could pick up my car and head to Church, so I had no excuse like "the line for the buses was too long" and I got there at around 5.40. I walked into the dome and almost ran back to hide in the car, there were so many people standing around drinking coffee and eating cake and talking and I felt so intimidated but then something happened and I just got this sudden rush of confidence, at least enough to make it to my seat :-)

So, after people came in, the session started and we did little ice-breaker games and everyone was up for it and that made it so much fun and that's when I made a couple of friends. After Pastor M and the service leaders finished talking, you could just tell the air had changed and everyone felt so inspired and we were all saying "hi" to each other and "nice to meet you" and "can't wait to see you next week" it was great. I didn't want the night to end!

So, I went to sign up, and left. As much as I wanted to stay and see and explore this new found confidence in myself, and see if I could have mingled any more, I just felt like it was enough, I shouldn't push my luck and I should leave on a high. Although I'm pretty sure if I'd have stayed I 'd have continued to have fun, but I still left.

Why am I doing Mizizi, or rather why am I re-doing Mizizi, I'm sure at some point I'll be asked that question by family or friends.
  1. I don't want to view God as some far off person in the sky, I really want to be as tight as I can be with Him. 
  2. I want to experience God's love, not just how I know theoretically that it exists. I'm sure it's there and I might have seen it before, because He's always loved us, but it's always been in terms of God saving me from some situation I put myself in like "I didn't die in a car crash though I let my friend drive drunk, that's God's love" I don't want my "God's love" story to always be in those terms, I want it to also be in the positive, like "I discovered what I want to do with my life,, that's God's love" or "I reached the heart of worship, that's God's love"
  3. I want to grow deeper in my faith, so rooted that no one and nothing can shake me.
  4. Like everyone else, I want to discover my purpose, why I am the way I am, what I was born to do, and if what I'm doing now is in preparation for it or what I need to do if it's not.
  5. Obviously, also to make friends. This is important to me because, saying goodbye to the past also meant I had to say goodbye to a lot of people, most of the people I was with, it wasn't really based on truth or common ground, except for partying and that kind of stuff, so they didn't really last or aren't that effective. I have very few people that I can call friends and I would love some more. That's a huge prayer for me as I embark on this, because even if I achieve the first 4 above, they won't really last if I don't have people pushing me forward and learning and growing from each other, even the Bible says so, David needed Jonathan, Jesus needed His boys, Timothy had Paul, I gots to have some people too :-)
So yeah, that's it. I honestly can't wait for next week. I'm praying everything goes great :-)

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