Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Me, The Financial Erudite

In other news, this week I learn the basic intricacies in International Financial Management. I love finance and I love money and seeing how money works...I'm kind of not that great at saving, though because I always find something that I need to buy, shoes for Ksh.500, new sunglasses for Ksh. 250, Nivea lip balm for Ksh.200, chips from the neighborhood joint for Ksh.60, oh, chips have to go with a samosa that's Ksh.30, a nice cold Alvaro to drink that's another Ksh.30 etc. etc. (From this, you can probably deduce that I am a fat, well-dressed, broke girl lol j/kidding, haha, I'm not well dressed.....again, I'm just kidding) But my lack of prowess in keeping money in my pocket is just the incentive I need to learn about how to keep money, far away from my hands and into financial instruments. So, yes I can say with utmost authority, big spenders are the best financial minds :-)
I don't know, I just feel like corporate finance is my thing, its where I need to be, and if I could find a way to tie that in with marketing then that would be even better. I always dreamt of being this jet-setter, you know those women you see at the airport dressed to the nines, her assistant pulling her suitcase, and her handbag in one hand, laptop in another. Dream destination would be Italy, where I'd have important meetings with investors etc etc. Now that I've grown up though, my dreams are a lot more tamer, the meetings may not be in a Rome office, but Nairobi will do just fine. (Although I'm still planning on learning Italian this year, you know...just in case.)
Some people dream of starting their own businesses, but I don't think I have a single entrepreneurial bone in my body. I'm the 'climbing-the-set-corporate-ladder' type.

Anyway IFM deals with exports and international trade and the forex markets and I cant wait to see how everything works. My biggest fear when it comes to this dream though, is whether or not I'll be able to get what I need out of school to land that amazing job, competition is ridiculous and coveted First Class degrees are hard to obtain. Adding to the pressure, I'm a bit of an introvert in that, unlike for example my cousin who got a job right out of High School (W.T.H??????) I'm more book smart than street smart.
I'm worried but I'm counting on the fact that this isn't the first time I'll be stepping into a new territory armed with nothing but my books and a large dose of prayer. And anyway, aren't I supposed to be content, knowing that I'm protected. Safety in hope, right?

So I know my Bible-In-One-Year-Thingy, lesson-learnt-whateva for today was about contentment, but darn it, I watched Cuidado con el angel again today, and isn't Juan Miguel a.k.a William Levy just sooooo dreamy! When he defended Marichuy and stood up to Estafania, it was all I could do not to jump up and hug the t.v! Or in Dahil ma Isang Ikaw when Ella finally found Miguel who's in a coma but he's screaming in his subconscious mind, "ELLA DON'T LEAVE ME! I'M HERE AND I LOVE YOU SOOO MUCH"
Ahh! I could just faint, I swear, I cry when I'm watching these things. Like, real actual tears! Not for any other reason except that its just so beautiful, I mean that sweet, incredible, passionate love....ahh!! Call me emotional, but I honestly cry!
So the way I see it, I have two options, a) Quit watching these soaps or b) Seriously I don't know what else I can do because I love watching them. I wouldn't say I'm addicted, in fact this is the first time I'm watching anything Mexican or from the Philippines since 2007, since I was doing evening classes, but now with my classes spread randomly throughout the early parts of the day and  I got nothing but time. How I choose to occupy myself in this time is to watch Miguel, Ella, Juan Miguel and Marichuy! :-D

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