Sunday, January 2, 2011

The One In Which It Began on A Sunday

Going to church has since recently become a necessity for my sanity. I don't think I could go a week without my Sunday morning Church Service at Mavuno Church, Mombasa Road.

I love getting dressed up for it, I love wearing super high heels that are saved for this particular day, I love the anticipation of not knowing who you're going to meet that day (because I'm pretty sure I'll find love at Mavuno :-) LOL ) I love the early morning drive when there are almost no cars on the road and the temperature is just right, I love blasting gospel rock in the car radio, I love the guards who say hi to me, I love the ushers who welcome me with a smile, I love the joy and the camaraderie you feel around, I love the worship team, I love the instruments, I love the so-stupid-its-funny jokes by the service leaders, I love the sermons (more on that later), I love the hope, I love the peace, I love the prayers, I love catching up with my friends after the Service, I love the food, I love going next door to Gallitos for a doughnut and drinking chocolate or Ice Cream if finances allow, I love people telling me I look beautiful : : not hot, not sexy : : just beautiful with no hidden agendas (he-he, I hope) I just love Sundays at Church.

This church, saved my life and I yelled the loudest today when Pastor M said 60% of us would be at home nursing a hangover were it not for Mavuno. I've never been happier or more hopeful than I am because of it, not because my hurts/disappointments were erased or that I've discovered who I am or how to solve my issues but because I know Whose I am. Pastor Simon Mbevi says it best, "The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall be fine."
But, I am a struggling Christian at best and church only carries me through until about then I'm in trouble, the fire dies down, the stresses of the week catches up with me and I long for the  weekend, for Sunday.
This year however, I've resolved not to live like that. I'm taking up the challenge to read the Bible for myself this year. I'm probably the weakest Christian I know and I have lets just say a colorful past, but I figure, if Pastor Muriithi (Senior Pastor at Mavuno) can do it, so can I.

So day one's readings:
I've never really tried to understand the trinity. All I've ever known was there's God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit and Jesus and the Holy Spirit are God. I noticed in Genesis God says, "Let us make man in our own image" so the view I have in my mind where I've got God, the father we run to, Jesus, the friend we cry to, and the Holy Spirit, the friend we listen to isn't that far off. It's also cool that God didn't designate the making of man to the uttering of words, but by delicate formation and establishment of a relationship. I'm amazed also by the bravery Mary had to carry her baby despite what anyone would think. Most of us would lack her courage.

Done for the day, right now, I'm going to try to step away from the computer and do what Sunday afternoons were made for, drink an ice cold Alvaro, grab the newspaper (i.e. new romance novel :-D ) and nap in the shade outside.

(Pictures from the Mavuno Church website, link as always at the bottom of the blog, or if you're feeling lazy, click here)

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