Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Shaggz Visit.....Part 1

After my spirit picked up I had a great day today. I hung out with my mom and we laughed really hard, which comes naturally to us considering that I'm prone to making funny statements like tonight;

We were watching an advertisement for Insecticide;

Me: Ah! Now why were mosquitoes invented?

Mum: Kwani mosquito ni gari? (Are mosquitoes like cars) Since when did mosquitoes become invented, and who invented them?

Then after a second it hit me;

Me: Ooooohhhh! I meant, now why were mosquitoes created?

I love that my mom and I get each other. I love that my sister and I get each other. All three of us have a great sense of humor, and we get each other's jokes. When it's the three of us, expect very loud talking and a lot of laughter.

When we went to visit my grandmother on Sunday, I felt so amazing when I saw my mom and grandma laughing together the way her and I do here at home. It made me love my grandma so much for giving me a mom as awesome as mine, I mean it was so weird because they look so much alike that I was a little confused who I was looking at.

I also love my grandmother because of how she prays for us. When we get there it's always the same routine. She'll ask us what's going on with our lives. For my brother and sister it's all about their spouses and their new-borns, for me it's always "no urathoma" or "niuku rara?" which is Kikuyu for "are you still studying?" and "will you sleep over?" to which i always reply "asha rocio di shukuru" in my very bad Kikuyu accent which means "No, tomorrow I'm going to school). (Trust me, my Kikuyu is as bad spoken as it is spelled)

After the little catch up, my aunt would have made us tea or eggs or any other food that was left over and is quick to prepare, but the tea is always a must, then she prays. I've always loved her praying, even before I started believing in God. It's always so heartfelt, and it's not just about "God, bless this tea" it's always about us, praying for blessings over us. She prays like my mom prays, lifting each of us up, talking as if she's talking to a dear friend. I hope one day I can pray like that and pass it on to my own family.

Here's me and my gramz

Yup, it's not an error, the faces are blurred out because I think sometimes it's better to use your imagination and I don't want to destroy the mental images of me you've already got :-) Also, I still quite haven't figured out my photo policy yet, so please bear with me :-)

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