Tuesday, January 4, 2011

The One In Which I Only Understood The Psalm

Day 4 on the Mavuno Word Challenge or what I refer to as my Bible In One Year thingy, takes me to Noah's life after the flood, and some new rules, like you can eat meat and plants, never kill a human being for he is in the image of God, the origin of the rainbow, Noah planting the first vineyard, Noah being the first person in history to K.O a.k.a get wasted and pass out. Chapter 10 unlike my 'preferred' parts of Genesis where there are tales of war and love and murder and crime, this is one of those genealogy parts, I admit I kinda skimmed through. I have to confess I was left confused in some parts like why God was so hard on Ham when he ran and told his brothers that their dad had passed out, naked and drunk. I mean isn't that kind of an ordinary first reaction, not the best reaction but it just happened. I was also confused by how Jesus told Simon Peter, Andrew, James and John, "follow me and I will make you fishers of men" and they dropped everything. I mean I get the whole when God calls, you answer but at this point did these guys know who Jesus was? Maybe, if they heard about the dove when he was baptized but if they didn't then that means they had no clue who Jesus was but they just followed him after he said that one sentence?

But, the Psalm left me without any question or confusion, so my takeout for today is gratefulness and contentment, everything you own can be taken away except what you keep in your heart, that is God and joy. I've learnt over the past few years that as long as I have those two, I can get through anything. To me, joy and God go together, I can't have one without the other. Joy is different from happiness, happiness is a mood, it comes and goes depending on what's going on, but joy, that's a state of mind/heart. My definition of joy is safety in hope. Anyway, David explains it better;

Psalm 4: v.6  There are many who pray: "Give us more blessings, O LORD. Look on us with kindness!" v.7  But the joy that you have given me is more than they will ever have with all their grain and wine. v.8  When I lie down, I go to sleep in peace; you alone, O LORD, keep me perfectly safe.

Image from Mavuno Website

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