Sunday, January 9, 2011

Sunday Snippets

I just got back home from church and as usual I loved it. Pastor M was funny and the sermon was enlightening. But the most interesting part of the day was that I was late, and I had to sit outside in the overflow tent/mini dome.
Usually, when I go to Church alone, (and that practically all the time because all my Church friends go to second service and I go to the first) I choose a seat where I can sit alone and not have to talk to anyone those parts where the pastor says "turn to your neighbor and tell them........." but also not so alone that I look like an outsider. Yes, the workings of my mind, there's an equation, a special calculation going on to tell me where to sit.

Anyway, today I followed my my routine but, a young married couple came to sit next to me, and they were wearing matching clothes and holding hands and I was like aww, how cute. But, then another couple came and sat on the other side of me and I started feeling like a bit of a fifth wheel, to make it worse, the pastor did say, "turn to your neighbor and tell them......" and of course, the couples shared amongst themselves and I was just left there smiling to myself. And to add to the sweetness, the couple with the two adorable kids, the dad was taking notes for his wife when she had her hands full with their daughter!!! I mean how sweet is that?

Service ends and I head to my car, and there's a lot of traffic everyone's trying to leave, and I was just listening to some music looking around, and I saw yet another couple, the guy goes up and unlocks his door then goes and opens the door for his girl, and as he walked back to his seat he had that look on his face and a bit of a proud swagger like, "yeah i just opened the door for my woman, how hot am I?" I mean he was a second away from starting a hand clap and demanding cheers through the parking lot.

Then, I came across some of those cutesy love cards, you know the type:

I know everything has a purpose and a time and so on, but, I want some of that!!! None of my previous relationships had that. And, if you've read my blog so far you know I'm on this quest to be all I can be and discover myself and bla, bla, bla, but what's the point of making all these discoveries and having all the breakthroughs and success in the world if you've got no one to share it with? Right?

But, today Pastor M said, success doesn't just happen, it's a gradual development. And, that it's not luck you need it's training. So for all you single people out there, tu saidiane hapa, lets help each other out here. In not looking forward to prince charming/Cinderella, matching clothes to church and all, if you're not prince charming/Cinderella yourself. For me, I know it will be a challenge not looking toward the future and not having overpowering anticipation but I guess I can try :-)

Image free from Image Housing

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