Sunday, January 2, 2011


Maybe I should start explaining the title of this blog, both for you guys and in case someone asks me months from now and I forget, lol ;-)

20th Paradigm
A paradigm is a typical example or pattern of something; example, model, pattern, standard, archetype, prototype. That said, it had nothing to do with the naming of this blog ha ha ha, at least at first... but now that I think about it, I want to change my view of the world. I want to change the view of my life. I don't want to be status quo. I want to shift the way people view the world. Chances are I won't make it to the large scale, but with the people in my sphere of influence, I don't want to follow their routine. I want to be the change I want to see. Big words coming from little ole' me but who could happen?! I do go to the Church of fearless influencers, it could rub off on me?!

Originally I got the idea from this song I heard once when I was in High know those songs that you hear once and its stuck in your head for the rest of your life because of how much it touched you?
It's called Paradigm by a band called All Together Separate, I'd link their website here but they broke up, and guess what?  I just found it on Amazon here where you can buy the mp3 with you Visa card for 80 bob i.e. $0.99

Everybody loves a rose,
But will you be thankful for the thorns?
Love is easy when you're loved,
But do you curse another when you're alone?

Oh, I give my life to You
so I can gain it back again
Oh, I stand solid
while the paradigm is shifting

You say live and let live,
But people are dying everyday
And you say what I don't know won't hurt me
But if what I do not know
is the very thing I need,
then I say...

Humanity sees truth
through a shattered window pane
That blocks the view,
And plants the seed
So we draw the curtains to close but I say
That the sun can still shine
behind a closed mind
And sticks and stones do hurt
When tossed from the tongue of mankind

And I'm in my 20's, hence 20th Paradigm.

Next post is about the description, trust me it's worth the tiny wait :-)

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