Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Jacob's Final Moments

It rained yesterday for the first time in months and I had an early class and I accidentally slept in so I didn't get to post what I read yesterday

  • Genesis 48:1-49:33
  • Matthew 15:29-16:12
  • Psalm 20:1-9
  • Proverbs 4:20-27

O.k what I remember about that was that I was disappointed Rebecca wasn't buried in the family cave, but Leah was. I'll have to ask about that :-) I also learnt how important it is to bless your kids and how important for us it is to honor our parents, otherwise you won't get their full blessing. Did anybody notice how Jacob blessed Ephraim (Joseph's second born son) more than he did Manasseh even though Manasseh as the first born deserved more, kinda like a throw back to the days of him and Esau, I can't find the words to describe it but that was notable.

In Mizizi,
I took a day off. The readings are for 5 days a week so I decided Monday and Tuesday will be my day off :-)

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