Friday, January 7, 2011

Catch Up

So, today I feel very accomplished. I did get to register all my units at school. It was tough, the heat was unbearable, the lines were long but I did it. I almost gave up though and the day was not without its challenges!

Like the woman who refused to stamp my papers though it's her job! I asked her politely with a smile on my face and everything, "Is this where school of business is?" and she shakes her head no, so I had to circle the entire field where registration was taking place asking everyone, "is this school of business" in the heat! I have a blister on my foot the size of a golf ball! Anyway, after I almost gave up and went home, I decided to go back to her desk again, and found some people who'd gotten the stamp I was looking for and I asked them where they got it. And they said from that woman, the woman who I had asked an hour earlier! So I gave her the form to stamp, furious! And I'm still frious! I mean it's your job to stamp a form. It's JUST STAMPING A FORM!!!! Not hard labour! I mean, what woulkd have been so hard about her opening her mouth for 10 seconds and just helping me, when it's your job! I'm still angry, but it's like it wasn't thanks to her that I got through today, I wouldn't have gotten through this day without some grace. Plus despite my anger, I have to let go of her and this whole thing. So woman who frustrated me, no hard feelings, but I hope you change ;-)

So, at least that's one point toward fulfilling one of the clauses of my flight plan. A good friend of mine came and helped me fix my home computer toady and I'm busy trying to add software and all that other nice stuff. It's 2 a.m and I'm still hard at work trying to do this. Very slow speed internet. So no funny posts from me tonight but I have stories for this weekend. Blogosphere, I am yours this weekend. :-)

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