Thursday, January 20, 2011

Future And A Hope

Just dropping by before I head to bed I wanted to do a little review of what I read in the morning, and according to Blogger, you guys are still reading "You're So Hot....." everyday its like 10 new reads. I had to go back and read it and kinda figure out what all the fuss is about but :-) thanks for your support on that post and on the blog,  but hey, leave a comment so we can talk, or follow me on Twitter or Facebook, don't go away too quickly!!!! :-)

Well anyway back to the review, I really needed to hear the Jeremiah 29:11, "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a future and a hope"

I'm really in a tough situation, because like I told you before, my school (for my Finance Degree not my CPA) messed up my records  and I have a bunch of missing marks for exams that I did or rather, studied hard for and did, and if you've been in a public university in Kenya, then you know how hard the situation is. So, I've just been asking God, why this is only happening to me. I tried to bloom where I was planted but nothing is working out for me in this school, if I don't belong there then why did He let me go. It's becoming more and more clear to me that if I'm to reach my goals and objectives then something will have to change.

If the school can't recover my records as I fear will be the case, then one of the options on the table is summer school, where I can do a semester over the holidays and try to catch up, but I feel like that will be really unfair on me because I already did these papers and it's not my fault that they lost my results. I really wanted to spend that holiday working on an internship/attachment. The other options are still in the works and I won't really know for sure until next month but that's probably my best bet. Will fill you in :-)

I know God's plans for me are for good but right now it doesn't feel so good, so if you're out there and you're reading this, please, please, please pray for me, for the path to clear and for me to figure out what I'm going to do, and what the best option for me is. For now, I choose not to focus on that. I'll still try my best to bloom where I am right now, which is by going back to the books and doing everything in my own power, the rest is up to Him.

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