Friday, January 14, 2011

It Happened Again

So, today I read:

  • Genesis 30:1-31:16
  • Matthew 10:1-23
  • Psalm 12:1-8
  • Proverbs 3:13-15

But, things changed a little, I could give you a summary of these chapters or I could tell you what happened yesterday. Yeah, I'll tell you what happened yesterday.

So, I had a great day working, you know those days you feel like everything is going perfectly, you're driven and focused and all the ambition all the lazy people threw away has seemingly been placed on your shoulders and your just having an amazing time doing what you feel like you were born to do.

This lasted till about 8 p.m, till I decided to go to my school's website to check if exam results had come out yet, then I went back to my results for a semester last year. Practically all my grades were missing and the records were all messed up and if you were in a public school you know that spells disaster. So, I started looking through my hard copy files and wouldn't you know it, my registration form from that particular semester is the only one that I seem to have misplaced. I literally have every other piece of paper in the world except the one I need the most. So an entire semester of work is gone, that is unless I can convince the School to go through their own records and give me their copy which is about as easy as convincing a guy in the Sahara to buy hot soup.

Needless to say, softie that I am, after about 2 hours of searching for that form, and all my friends that I called for advice on the matter telling me how screwed I am and how I'll probably have to retake the entire semester because of how impossible it is to get the School to look for that form for me, I collapsed into a puddle of tears and went to bed, and as you probably know by now, crying in bed has become practically my only way of sending up a prayer more than the usual, "God please bless my family and see to our needs" routine.

So, I prayed I was literally at the end of my rope, I just don't understand what I ever did to this University, that I out of all my friends am the only one who has to deal with incorrect records and missing marks and retakes that I don't deserve. So, I'm in bed, crying over school! I told God, how He's all into wisdom, and its acquisition, and all I'm trying to do right now is get my school stuff in order and learn and build up my career and everything so that I can at least make my family proud. And I'm trying pretty hard! By, that point I was still sobbing and hysterical, [o.k, maybe not hysterical, but I was crying pretty hard:-) ] and I decided to bear down and do what I could to fix the situation, that was in my power, the rest I would leave up to Him.

Really, only a few things could happen in this situation,

  1. I could find that form and get my records fixed
  2. I could find a way of begging the school to give me their copy so I could make my own copy and get my records fixed
  3. I could get into the summer program instead of working and retake the semester, (I HOPE NOT)
  4. I could finish my CPA by July which combined with my Uni credits could mean I could throw it all in, tell them what they could do with their school (!) and transfer to a nice calm, sparsely populated private school with good record keeping, plus the added benefit of starting off on a clean slate
  5. Accept defeat, stay in bed, quit school and maybe go into self-employment which would probably fail because of my very non-entrepreneurship mindset

Basically, all I can really do right now is push through this hurdle, do what I can do and trust God for the rest.

Which brings me to why I won't go into what I read today. I learnt last night that reading these passages everyday isn't just so you apply what you read that day to that day, like for me, last night I wasn't thinking about Jacob when I was praying even though that was my take out for the day, I was thinking about what Jesus told guys;

Matthew 9:2  where some people brought to him a paralyzed man, lying on a bed. When Jesus saw how much faith they had, he said to the paralyzed man, "Be of good cheer, my son! Your sins are forgiven." 

Matthew 9:22  Jesus turned around and saw her, and said, "Be of good comfort, my daughter! Your faith has made you well." At that very moment the woman became well. 

Matthew 9:29  Then touched he their eyes, saying, According to your faith be it unto you. 

Be of good cheer, be comforted, let it happen then, just as you believe. I believe that God only wants good things for me.

So...reading the Bible...another advantage is that in times of trouble, these words will pop into your head for advice, for comfort and to help you sleep when you're stressed out over the future.

 Images from Mavuno Website and free from,

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