Saturday, January 1, 2011

My Very First Entry

**********Update************ This isn't my first post, I came across another blog I'd started earlier and imported those posts into this one. Be warned those first 5 post are from my "dark time" remember how I went through those dark days in 2009-2010. Anyway, this is my first post after all that.*******************

So, writing this blog has been inspired by a lot of things:
First, I've always loved writing, but I've found myself so caught up in the latest movie and t.v series that I haven't had time to read or write even though it used to be such an integral part of my life
Second, my dad was a writer and a journalist, and even though I can never be as committed to a project or as gifted as he was I feel like this will be a connection to him in a way even though he's gone
Third, I just have this overwhelming feeling that this will be a great year and my life will totally change for the better. You know that feeling that something good is coming and everyday you wake up with excitement and anticipation. That feeling, and its a good idea to write about the days before, leading up to this big event. Then tonight my best friend sent me this message on Facebook about dating

"......there's a difference between church and saved guys. You need a guy who knows his standing with God because he would be sure of himself and wouldn't need to feel pressure on things of the world. Church guys just hunt for saved chics in church whom they end up destroying. My wish for you this year is for God to send you a guy to love you honestly, faithfully and patiently and for your eyes to be able to spot this guy when he comes into your life. Jo I feel so positive about this year. We are going to be so blessed and favored."

Yeah, you can tell from her words she's an awesome best friend, true definition of BFF lol. She doesn't know this but she's my benchmark for friendship/relationship. I know if I'm a true friend if I would be able to be there for my friend who needs me at any time day or night as she has always done, and I know that someone is a true friend to me if they would do the same.

Fourth, I need to journal for the sake of keeping memories and keeping track and focus on where I am and where I want to be in terms of:
  •   God and my faith: I want to grow and develop a habit of daily meditation
  •   Career: Settle in school, focus and learn as much as I can and get a job ASAP
  •   Love: Finding and keeping love i.e. old and new friendships,    boyfriend/future hubs
  •   Family: Strengthening the bonds, preparing for my own etc.
I probably won't be getting much traffic here for a while, which is fine because I'm doing this for me, but I'm going to work on pimping this site up and we'll see how it goes, who knows maybe my stories and day to day struggles resonate with someone out there and we can get through it together.
For now, I leave you with this,
Psalm 16:9 "Therefore, my heart is glad and my soul rejoices; my flesh also shall be content in hope..."

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