Sunday, January 2, 2011

The One About Not Giving In

Day 3 and I've gotta say things are looking up. The main theme running through the passages for today, for me were about conformity and not giving into the pressures of the day and like I said yesterday not always being so eager to please people even when you know doing it is wrong. Noah didn't conform to the standards of his world and God saved him and his family. Jesus also, didn't say yes to things that were contrary to what He believed and the standards He set from God's word. I especially loved part from Proverbs 1:10-19 let me pimp it a little to apply to me:

v.10  My child, when your friends tempt you, don't give in. v.11  Suppose they say, "Come on; let's find a hot club! Let's excessively flirt with some innocent guys for the fun of it! v.12  They may be alive and well when we find them, but they'll be dead when we're through with them! v.13  We'll find all kinds of free drinks and fill our room with money and treats! v.14  Come and join us, and we'll all share what we steal." v.15  My child, don't go with people like that. Stay away from them. v.16  They can't wait to do something bad. They're always ready to sin. v.17  It does no good to spread a net when the bird you want to catch is watching, v.18  but people like that are setting a trap for themselves, a trap in which they will die. v. 19  Carelessness always claims the life of the careless---this is what happens to anyone who lives by sin.

Now, I am a Nairobi girl. I loooove(d) clubbing. I love(d) getting dressed up in tiny little dresses or short shorts and having guys stare and that feeling you get (got) when you're drinking and the buzz just kicks in you know when you're tipsy but not really drunk, and you dance the night away...but now I'm supposed to be a spirit-filled Christian and the spirit don't go there. My friends though, they keep hounding me and hounding me to go rave with them and they pull the old "Oh, you're so boring since you got saved" line which is so not the case, I'm not, not going out because I'm saved, I know saved people who go out and they're fine, I can't judge them and I can't tell anyone what to do. But, for me, I think the drinking and the guys and the crazy club dancing just lost their allure on me, I just don't have psyche for that anymore. But because of my friends, I get so tempted to pack it all in and go to the freakin rave so they stop hounding me! But, this passage speaks to me, in that area.

Other take outs were:
  • Don't be conformed, when sinners tempt you don't give in. And being a sinner myself, I shouldn't tempt other people.
  • Trust in God, when He says move, you move. God protects us, He's our shield from danger, he'll give us courage and victory.
  • It's not just enough to be baptized or to say a prayer, forgiveness only comes after true repentance and doing those things that show you've turned away.
  • We need every word that God speaks.
  • Don't put the God to the test.
  • Even when you've accomplished everything and you're at the top of the world, worship God and serve Him only.
O.k I'm done for the day, I have two major meetings with the Dean at School. I'm not in trouble or anything, but I still need some favor so my plans will go through, it could be potentially life changing, so, God if you're reading this, help you're daughter out today!!! For the rest of you, PRAY FOR ME!!!!

Picture from the Mavuno Church Website

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