Monday, January 17, 2011

A Woman Worth Fighting For


Last year, a series ran at my church with this same title and I'd forgotten all about it but today I started thinking about it and dug up my old notebook fishing for my notes. Once in a while I need a little refresher course

Part 1: Dressed To Kill

Why do good girls go bad?
  • Learned behavior & Media
  • Abuse & old wounds i.e bitterness
  • Men that once took advantage of women.
  • Insecurity & desperation.
  • Companionship & affirmation.
The 4 Faces of a Bad Girl
  1. The Smart Seducer: Potipher's wife from Genesis 39, Proverbs 5:3, Proverbs 6:25
  2. The Manipulative Schemer: Oliver Wendell Holmes said " Man has his will, but woman has his way."
  3. The Wicked Jezebel
  4. The Domineering Independent: Matthew 27:55-57, 28:1-9
Remember: Self enslaves, but love sets free.

Part 2: Strength Of A Woman 
What makes a woman uniquely powerful?
  1. Beauty: I will praise You for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works, and that my soul knows very well. (Psalms 139:14)
  2. Words – Abigail was beautiful and intelligent and after her husband Nabal messed up, she knew what words to use to apologize to David for the sake of her household (1 Samuel 25)
  3. Relationships – Esther built relationships with the people around her, her uncle and even her otherwise unapproachable husband.
  4. Sixth Sense

When God created you, he was not hoping for a boy! 
Yes! I am designed to be a woman of influence. A glorious female!

Part 3: Dream Girl

The 4 faces of the real woman:
  1. Queen
  2. Nurturer / Mother
  3. Partner
  4. Friend

I loved this sermon series, it's something to aspire to. I've always dreamed of having this knight in shining armor character step into my life but I haven't really been the type of person worth fighting for. I hope, though, that as I continue learning and growing that I will be.

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