Sunday, January 23, 2011

The Rumors and Angry Letters Guy Makes A Come Back

I'm sure I've written about my friends before, but I want to introduce you to another BFF. This is a boy BFF so let's just call him Ed (made-up name)
Last night, I decided to do something I've never done and pray/meditate for 30 minutes straight. I gave it my best shot, but I really just ran out of things to say :-( anyway, I did manage to pray for God to help me deal with the tough stuff I'd gone through during the week, 5 minutes later after I sad Amen, guess who called?

Remember this guy?  He dared to call me!!! He wanted to meet up this week so he could explain and in his words, "get things off his chest" I mean seriously guys, in what world do you think that you have the right to "get things off your chest" when you've done something horrible and offensive. The only words you should be saying are, "sorry" not "I want to get things off my chest" So, the only reason I even picked up the call was that I deleted his number so I didn't know it was him, but luckily, before I got a chance to answer him on whether or not we could meet, the call got disconnected, (I didn't hang up on him, I promise!!!!!)
I got a chance to think about my response, he tried calling me again and I ignored the call and instead texted him, "I'm sorry for writing you, I was just angry at the time. You don't have to explain anything to me, this story should have ended a long time ago if it wasn't for you and your little group bringing it back up. Please don't call or text me again, if you do, you'll get no response."

See that, cold and aloof without being rude. I think that was at least a B+ on the Christian Responses to a Lying Con Artist Who Tried To Play Two Classmates test.

I thought that was the end of it, but my mind stated working overtime as usual (ahh! mind!) I started thinking how come I always attract such losers into my life, I mean, come on!!! I honestly think, as much as I write about love, and daydream about weddings and happy marriages, it's going to be soooo hard to ever trust a guy again. These thoughts of spinsterhood and my horrendous dating track record started to overwhelm me and I texted my friend, Ed. "The guy has just called me, and he wants to meet"

Ed, is my best friend at school. Our friendship did start out a little bit complicated because he wanted us to date and I didn't. We fought a while and had some tense days but, I'm happy and thankful to God that we're o.k now, and he's content being just friends. He's actually the one who filled me in on all those rumors and took me to lunch to calm me down.

Anyway, Ed, understood what the message meant, and got that I was feeling down, so this is what he wrote me:

*******to be continued********

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