Monday, January 17, 2011


This has been a rally weird day so far, I'm really tired and feeling a bit sick. I just got home from the mechanic and William is fine, just a few things that need attention, like adding battery water, buying some new fuses, changing the battery for the alarm, buying some more coolant, fixing the lead...o.k maybe it's more than a few things. But I'm hoping and praying my brother in law will handle all that when he takes it for a service next week. I really hope he agrees, beacause like I said as much as I can go to the mechanic, I really hate it, it gets boring after a while and there's only so much my mind can process!!

My internet was slow in the morning, it was so frustrating I almost threw the computer against a wall, so I didn't manage to post....what I read today!

  • Genesis 35:1-36:43
  • Matthew 12:1-21
  • Psalm 15:1-5
  • Proverbs 3:21-26

This morning I was just thinking, 'wow, I've actually read the Bible for 17 days in a row' and it's almost starting to feel like a routine that I look forward to rather than just a chore. There have been a couple of days when I've really not been in the mood for it, days that I've been angry or bored with this walk and with God, to be honest with you, but I can't begin to explain to you the joy that's in my heart because despite how annoying of a child I am to Him, He's still got me, He's still my Daddy in every sense of the word, and He hasn't kicked me out for being such a brat to Him sometimes.

Day 17, and I'm still standing!!!! Woohoo!!!!

Apart from that, I feel really weepy today. I've read a couple of blog posts, from Tina Su that really made me tear up a bit, about something sweet her husband said to her one time when she was on bed rest in a hospital.

Another one that made me cry while at the mechanic's was Toben Heim. (Toben's Twitter) His wife, Joanne is a blogger at, and she had a stroke last week and she's still in hospital. I've never felt the urge to pray for a complete stranger (on the other side of the world no less!!) as much as I do in this case. Maybe it's because, Joanne is my namesake, maybe it's because we're both bloggers, maybe it's just because the story caught me on an emotional day, but I ask all of you please to say a prayer that Joanne wakes up and gets better, for her kids and for her husband, and as a testimony to the infinite power of Jesus' name. You can get updates and soon, the good news of her getting better on the links above.

I was also reduced to tears when I read this in the morning;

Matthew 12:18-19  "Here is my servant, whom I have chosen, the one I love, and with whom I am pleased. I will send my Spirit upon him, and he will announce my judgment to the nations. He will not argue or shout, or make loud speeches in the streets. 

Mat 12:20-21  He will not break off a bent reed, nor put out a flickering lamp. He will persist until he causes justice to triumph, and on him all peoples will put their hope."

Ahh, the water works have started again!!! How awesome is that line, He will not break off a bent reed, nor put out a flickering lamp. I can't count the number of days I go to sleep thinking how I don't deserve to pray because God would never listen to me because I'm not a good enough Christian or that I'm not a good enough pray-er, or that I'm not good enough to even deserve to be alive at this point on time when so many people better than me or stronger than me aren't. Needless to say, those thoughts cut my prayers short immediately every single night.

I've tried to tell myself, not believing Jesus forgave you is having pride in yourself, thinking your sin is bigger than God, but that hasn't worked because promptly after that I'm reminded of all those parts of the old testament when God uses words like smite and destroy and vengeance! :-)

But this, this just gave me so much encouragement. It makes my love and appreciation for all Christ did for me grow! I was bent but Jesus didn't allow me to be broken, I flickered but He never put me out. He persisted until He got me and in Him I will put my hope.

Life is life, it's sometimes, dirty, messy and complicated and I may still bend and flicker, but my hope remains in Christ who strengthens me in small ways, that I may not even notice, but daily He nurtures me.

This is such an amazing verse and it's inspired a couple of changes to the blog :-)

Image from Mavuno Website

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