Thursday, August 30, 2012

I Love Blogging! It Gets Better...

I know I always say this, but I don't feel like people get it! I love blogging, I dont know what I would do without this blog. I've been feeling pretty low lately, which I 100% attribute to some crazy PMS, because really, in the grand scheme of things, I have nothing to be sad about! *_* anyway, I got on here and went to that "Labels" section on my blog and clicked on one, and it led me to all these posts I wrote last year, and man, looking back between now and then, it's like a memory miracle log.

It just reminds me of two things;

  • If I keep on keeping on and doing what I'm doing, God willing, this time next year, I'll look back on this years posts and think the exact same thing!!! How that year will be better than the last and so on and so forth #itgetsbetter

  • Every single day of my life, waking up, dancing, singing, laughing, this is the miracle I prayed for and every day I wake up, dance, sing, laugh, is a miracle...despite how I feel, despite what my mind tells me to complain or be sad about, the fact remains, God changed my life this year and He's changing it in one way or another every day...being clay in the Potters hand, being molded hurts, but nobody thinks that when they see the end result.

I know, I'm corny, you'll get used to it.


Saturday, August 25, 2012

Freedom Now!

It's crazy to me how many people struggle with their sexuality in secret. People suffering with addictions, young kids going through all these changes and having no idea what the heck is going on, older people in their 20's and 30's addicted to pornography, totally enslaved!

No one I know particularly enjoys watching or looking at porn. Nobody likes having this secret life and opening up these websites, yet here we are with adult content making up about 1/2 of the internet sites online.

I'm sick of this though, I get so mad because the devil is so pushing this war, pop-up sites filling up your screen and temptation always there, kids getting pregnant, relationships getting ruined, girl's self-esteem shrinking by the day, men, dying inside out of shame and addiction. I'm sick of it. That's why we're going to be looking at Sexual Purity on this site for the next week or so.

Let's do this! Let's end this war once and for all!


"I'm Suffering!" How To Deal With Suffering

First Posted on Raha and God

I have a hard time understanding human suffering. Just watching TV this morning and I see these guys who’ve dug about a 15 foot well with a couple of stepping blocks and there’s like 12 guys at each level and they were passing water up and down, you know fetching water for their community and that’s how they live. Every couple of months it gets dry, they have to dig deeper, maybe once in a while it rains and they rest a little, same cycle.

About the same time, my mom is telling me how there were cattle rustlers somewhere in the coast. Two different neighboring communities and one attacked the others village, burned down houses and killed 37 women, 4 men and about 15 kids. One survivor, a man was on camera and he had a baby a couple of months old and 3 other kids, and we find out he’s lost his wife and 2 other kids, all killed. He saw the media and police commissioner and he’s just asking him, “Why have you come now? What can you do now? Can you bring my kids back? Will you bring my wife back? Are you going to breast feed my baby?” Then he just collapsed into tears.

My mom was telling me how her heart just broke seeing that, same as mine hearing about it. Then she asked me, “Now how do you tell someone like that about Jesus?”

So now, I’m here reading my Bible, listening to a Mars Hill podcast by Mark Driscoll and singing a little Jesus Culture, you know my typical Saturday chill day. My life is pretty good. I know Jesus, I have issues, I have sin that I’m still confessing and getting past, but I know God is real, I know his redemptive power. Yet, how do I reconcile my God to this situation. The Bible says all things work for good to them that love the Lord and are called according to His purpose – Romans 8:28. How do you tell someone that losing your wife and kids, senselessly because people had no heart and slaughtered them that this will work for good. If you told me that, I would smack you in the face!

Then, turning to good old Google, “What does the Bible say about suffering?” and it points me to the book of Job, which I’m actually going through in the One Year Bible right now. All I’ve learnt from Job so far is a lot of confusion. 

One day I’m on Job’s side, like, “What did I do wrong, have I not been faithful and honored the Lord all my life? What sin did I not repent of that was so great that I deserve to be disgraced like this?” 

Other days I’m on his friends’ sides, “Trust in the Lord, this is only a season and God is definitely going to restore you to even greater heights than this.” (Plus, I’ve been reading this for three days and I’m just like, “dude, get over it already so I can move to Ecclesiastes!)

To which Job always replies, “Get out of here! No literally get out of here, you have no idea what I’m feeling, you look down on me already because I’m suffering. All the words you’re saying are like nails on a chalkboard and the funny thing is, if I were in your shoes I’d have said the exact same thing. It’s not going to be alright, I don’t see the silver lining and all I want to do is to die.”

Job’s story puts into perspective the phrase, “naked I came into this world and naked shall I leave.” Oh wait, he said that *_*...................{Continue Reading....}

"I'm Suffering!" How To Deal With Suffering

I have a hard time understanding human suffering. Just watching TV this morning and I see these guys who’ve dug about a 15 foot well with a couple of stepping blocks and there’s like 12 guys at each level and they were passing water up and down, you know fetching water for their community and that’s how they live. Every couple of months it gets dry, they have to dig deeper, maybe once in a while it rains and they rest a little, same cycle.

About the same time, my mom is telling me how there were cattle rustlers somewhere in the coast. Two different neighboring communities and one attacked the others village, burned down houses and killed 37 women, 4 men and about 15 kids. One survivor, a man was on camera and he had a baby a couple of months old and 3 other kids, and we find out he’s lost his wife and 2 other kids, all killed. He saw the media and police commissioner and he’s just asking him, “Why have you come now? What can you do now? Can you bring my kids back? Will you bring my wife back? Are you going to breast feed my baby?” Then he just collapsed into tears.

My mom was telling me how her heart just broke seeing that, same as mine hearing about it. Then she asked me, “Now how do you tell someone like that about Jesus?”

So now, I’m here reading my Bible, listening to a Mars Hill podcast by Mark Driscoll and singing a little Jesus Culture, you know my typical Saturday chill day. My life is pretty good. I know Jesus, I have issues, I have sin that I’m still confessing and getting past, but I know God is real, I know his redemptive power. Yet, how do I reconcile my God to this situation. The Bible says all things work for good to them that love the Lord and are called according to His purpose – Romans 8:28. How do you tell someone that losing your wife and kids, senselessly because people had no heart and slaughtered them that this will work for good. If you told me that, I would smack you in the face!

Then, turning to good old Google, “What does the Bible say about suffering?” and it points me to the book of Job, which I’m actually going through in the One Year Bible right now. All I’ve learnt from Job so far is a lot of confusion.

One day I’m on Job’s side, like, “What did I do wrong, have I not been faithful and honored the Lord all my life? What sin did I not repent of that was so great that I deserve to be disgraced like this?”

Other days I’m on his friends’ sides, “Trust in the Lord, this is only a season and God is definitely going to restore you to even greater heights than this.” (Plus, I’ve been reading this for three days and I’m just like, “dude, get over it already so I can move to Ecclesiastes!)

To which Job always replies, “Get out of here! No literally get out of here, you have no idea what I’m feeling, you look down on me already because I’m suffering. All the words you’re saying are like nails on a chalkboard and the funny thing is, if I were in your shoes I’d have said the exact same thing. It’s not going to be alright, I don’t see the silver lining and all I want to do is to die.”

Job’s story puts into perspective the phrase, “naked I came into this world and naked shall I leave.” Oh wait, he said that *_*

I get that life on earth is transient, just a stop in the journey to eternity; but what’s the purpose, what’s the reason behind suffering. Is it then that some people don’t need to hear the gospel? How does judgment day apply to people like that whose whole life has just been suffering, girls who’ve been sex slaves their whole life, people living in a war zone, people whose families were slaughtered before their eyes?

The thing though is this, the gospel is for everyone, and everybody needs to hear the gospel and make his choice. I feel like God, yes He did make everyone equal, but He also didn’t just throw a prototype into a machine that then churned out similar little models of the exact same thing. I feel like God allows a certain measure of grace to everybody, uniquely and individually. God is faithful, that’s just who He is and He won’t let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with every trial He provides a way out so you may be able to endure it – I Corinthians 10:13.

People go through things that I cannot imagine, like a couple of the things I mentioned. I’ve been through things that other people cannot imagine. You’ve been through things that I can’t imagine, have you noticed that? Yet somehow, we all {for the most part} still get by.

People go through all sorts of things and we hate it, sometimes we even hate God and get bitter and offended like, how can a so-called loving God allow this to happen. We get mad at ourselves like I should have prayed more or I didn’t have enough faith. We get mad at the world, like, how could they do that, don’t they have any common sense or don’t they have a heart?

I propose this though, that somewhere beneath the anger and betrayal, everybody whose suffering has a part of them that needs something more than an answer. We know bad things happen and everyday you wake up and think, “Is this the day that disaster falls on my door?” That’s just the world, that’s humanity. So, maybe there’s a part of us, which needs more than an answer, which needs to reconnect with God. The question then becomes how do we as Christians, find our way too that little part.

Like I said, I’ve been through a couple of rough spots, e.g. losing my dad at 19. First of all, when I was a kid, like in Primary school and kids lost their dad, I’d be like, “Whoa, how do you even live after that?!” I could not imagine, then my brother and sister get married, especially my sister’s wedding, watching my mom and dad walk her down the aisle and just how much my dad enjoyed that wedding, so much so that he bought a huge “Congratulations, Just Married” card and wrote, “Soni, Ilikuwa poa sana” Soni being my sister’s name and that translating to “It was really nice” and me thinking, wow, he really loved that wedding I wonder if he’ll love mine?

Then a couple of months later,  his memory starts getting fuzzy, he can’t remember how to dial a phone number or fix fuses because he was really good at electrical things or his behavior just changing and after that we find out he has brain cancer and an S.O.B doctor says to my dad, in front of my mom with all the sensitivity in the world, “you do know you’re dying, you’re never going to drive again” in reply to my dad’s question, “will I be able to drive?” (Sorry, Lord forgive me of my bitterness *_*)

So, my writer/journalist dad whose written a bunch of books and articles, a master of words, the smartest person I knew who could fix any electrical appliance, gets attacked in what I felt was the core of him, his mind. Soon he can’t write, he loses coordination, he can’t form sentences correctly, at the end he couldn’t walk or talk.

I’m just like, cancer is fine God, if that’s the way you wanted him to go, cool, but his brain! Really, was that necessary that he lost the very essence of himself and virtually saw parts of himself disappear every day? I swear, sometimes I’m looking at my friends like, “Really, do you know what I saw, do you have any idea what I’ve been through, hee, you don’t know what life is!”

It was hard, like that to me is suffering; it put me through the ringer. However, I came out of it, it took a long while but I’m here now writing about it, that’s progress.

Other people have been through experiences worse than mine or not the same as mine, but suffering is suffering is suffering. I truly believe that verse, God is faithful, that’s just who He is and He won’t let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with every trial He provides a way out so you may be able to endure it – I Corinthians 10:13

For me, the part inside of me that needed to be tapped into for God to finally make sense or hold the least bit of appeal to me, was first of all hitting rock bottom, having friends from Church who didn’t pressure me into God, who allowed me to find my own way to Him by just being there to answer my questions and sharing with me their own stories, (i.e. my 2011 Season 1 Mizizi class) and the final nail in my “I belong to Jesus Forever Box” was Worship.

Discovering Worship, not just the music and the talent behind the songs, but the fact that it is real and possible to encounter God to really feel it, not just that but also when we pour our love and adoration to Him, He mirrors it right back to us. We are in His image – Genesis 1:27 and in loving Him, we find a connection point to the real meaning of life, a connection point to Heaven and to eternity.

So here’s what I’d end with:

First: if you’re on the outside looking in, quit it with all the “God has a plan, this is how it was meant to be” spiel. Never ever works, Job’s friends tried it, didn’t work. Be practical, be a friend, check up on them, clean up for them, do some chores for them, run errands, be there, do what needs to be done. Volunteer in organizations, donate money to people alleviating suffering e.g. drought, digging wells, point is being practical. Let them talk, let them cry you just faithfully serve and pray and love on them. Man, pray! I don’t know how else some of these things can be fixed. I wish I had some formula for praying that works because it’s truly not fair when you see stuff like that 30-something year old man devastated and in tears. Pray, pray, pray because apart from God what else do we have?

Second: if you’re in the middle of suffering, don’t be alone. This is the worst thing I did for myself. I tried to pretend it wasn’t real and I shut myself off COMPLETELY! Not just with the sick dad thing, but in everything I go through in my life, that’s my coping mechanism. I'm really having to learnt to open myself up more this year, like if I've had a bad day and I just want to get home, get into my room alone and cry, now I get home get in the living room with my mom collapse on the sofa and cry and even if I'm not ready to talk about it, the fact that she knows is awesome because then she can know to pray for me and figure out how to get me help if/when I need it.
Surround yourself with people, not just any people; again, I did that, got into a bad relationship that messed me up even further! Church! I know not every place has a good church, but wherever you are get involved in something, a community group, support group, home group if the situation is extreme, find a decent website that has active social media and get connected with people who at least look like they have life a little bit figured out, it’s a start. God is faithful and He will tailor-make a way out that is perfect for you, but you absolutely can’t do it alone.
And just vent to God. I have grabbed a bat and swung violently on my mattress a lot of times in "prayer", what you think a little human person with a bat can intimidate the Lord ALMIGHTY?! He created all these emotions, displaying them to Him is not a sin as long as it's coupled with the intention of wanting to get it out and move on (Jacob fought with the Lord, right? Physically as a matter of fact until God have Him his blessing. Genesis 32:24-29) fight with the Lord for your answer and as long as as much as you're screaming and shouting, you're listening and watching for Him to speak as well.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Seeking God First

I read this years ago and it still gives me chills! Obviously, I haven't lived it but you can bet your left foot I'm living it now :-) :-) :-)

Everyone longs to give themselves completely to someone... to have a deep soul relationship with be loved thoroughly AND exclusively...

But GOD says to a Christian, 

"No, not until you are satisfied, fulfilled and content with being loved by Me alone - with giving yourself TOTALLY and unreservedly to Me - with having an intensely personal relationship with Me alone - discovering that ONLY in Me is your satisfaction to be found - will you be capable of the perfect human relationship I have planned for you. 

You will never be united with another until you are UNITED with Me - exclusively of anyone or anything else, exclusively of any other desires or longings. I want you to stop wishing and allow ME to bring it to you..

You just keep watching Me, expect the greatest things and keep experiencing the satisfaction that I AM. Keep listening and learning the things I tell you. You just wait...That's all...

Dont be anxious, Don't worry. Don't look around at the things others have gotten or what I have given them. Don't look at the things you think you want. Just keep looking up to Me, or you will miss what I want to show you. And then, when you are READY, I will SURPRISE you with a love far more wonderful than any would dream of. 

You see, until you are ready and until the one I have for you is ready...( I'm working even at this moment to have both of you ready at the same time) Until you are both satisfied exclusively with Me and the life I have prepared for you, you won't be able to experience the love that exemplifies your relationship with Me and thus...the dearest love...

And dear one, I want you to have this most wonderful love. I want you to see in the flesh a picture of your relationship with Me. And enjoy maturely and concretely the everlasting beauty, perfection and love. 

Know that I LOVE YOU completely


Thursday, August 23, 2012

Waiting for God's Best

A lot can be said to the virtue of waiting. One of my best friends has never been in a relationship, she absolutely puts me to shame in the waiting category and I admire her tons! While the rest of us were out breaking hearts and getting our hearts broken, she was living drama free! Staying consistent with who she is, staying consistent with God.

She's a huge motivator to me! You know yourself :-)

I'm happy and thankful because God's put in my life friends like these, guys and girls, who've been patiently waiting their whole lives and put dating on the back burner while building their lives or guys from Church who like me took the 1 year pledge.

Anyway, to all of us taking a pause, hope you find some encouragement in this:

So to all my single friends, believe in the kind of love that God has destined for you. It doesn't have to happen now or will happen when you are ready for it. If your heart has been broken into a million pieces, God won't just piece it back together..HE will actually reward you with a brand new heart! A fresh start to love again! :) 

So this early on, I urge you to pray for the person you will choose to give that new heart to. If you feel numb, jaded, and tired of love..then pray for God to give you that burning desire back. I apologize for ra-ra-ra-ring you all to LOVE, I sound like a loved-up crazy cheerleader! Hahaha! But just as my parents and friends prayed unceasingly for my happiness, never grew tired of giving me words of encouragement, and always managed to make me feel special and loved..I would like to do the same for all of you. I may not know you all personally, but I do wish each of you the joy of finding God's love :) Continue Reading...

My 5 Love Languages

You've all heard of the 5 love languages? Every body has a specific set of qualities or "languages" that translate into how best that person feels love. Basically, you can buy someone all the gifts in the world but they still don't feel like you love them because that's not their primary love language. Check it out here.

They have this quiz on their website, which obviously I did and these were my results:

1. Quality Time 10/12
2. Receiving Gifts 7/12
3. Words of Affirmation 5/12
4. Physical Touch 5/12
5. Acts of Service 3/12

This is actually quite spot on. Personally, I don't care how many texts you send, how long we can talk on the phone, or how well you can wine and dine me and shower me with gifts, to me, if you don't give up some of your time to spend with me, no big plans, but just meeting for the sake of meeting, I'm not going to feel secure in that relationship.

People complicate stuff. You live in Nairobi, we have parks all over the city, but someone decided walking in the park is shady and now people don't meet because guys are scared we're expecting fancy dinners. I always say, Java is great, but not all great relationships need to be built at Java. There's a time and place for fancy dinners and coffee, but also make room for the simple meet and greet, walk in the park, bum around town, go buy movies and stop for a soda somewhere. If you're in town shopping, ask the girl if she'd like to join you. Simple!

Also, depending on where you're at in your life, "come over we watch a movie" is not a date. When you're first getting to know someone, actually, I think this carries forward into until he's put a ring on it or at least is close to, avoid compromising situations and intimate moments. You should be getting to know each other, you'll have the rest of your lives (hopefully) to sit around the house alone watching movies, but right now, hang out in the sun, with friends/family, get to know each other. Get rained on waiting for a bus in town, conquer inconveniences like that together, build actual memories and experiences.

{at this point let me interject, unless you've dated for a long long time, it's not o.k to go to Imbiss fish and chips or those fast food joints with the high top chairs! Save that for your boys. If money is a problem, at least go to the places with the small tables and chairs - and pay the entire bill - no going Dutch/Splitsies}

Anyway, back to my languages, this is what they say on the website;

Quality Time

In Quality Time, nothing says “I love you” like full, undivided attention. Being there for this type of person is critical, but really being there—with the TV off, fork and knife down, and all chores and tasks on standby—makes you feel truly special and loved. Distractions, postponed activities, or the failure to listen can be especially hurtful.

Receiving gifts obviously comes up next. You know the quote, "Whatever you invest your time and money into, therein your heart lies." Again, no big, grand, expensive thing. The best gift I've ever gotten from a guy was when a guy I dated wrote and read me a poem, he knew I was into poetry and song writing and he wrote one for me. I can't remember the words, it wasn't award winning in any way, but I've never forgotten that.

No surprise, Words of Affirmation and Physical Touch rank hand in hand. I dated a guy who'd tell me the sweetest things and text the corniest lines, yet when we met up, he didn't hold my hand. I know it's crazy and means nothing to most people, but dadgum it, it means a lot to me. I love PDA, and if holding hands is the best you can do, then hold my freaking hand, throw your arm around me, make me feel like I'm not one of the guys or that girl in your class you have study group with, come on!

Acts of Service are awesome too, go out of your way to do something nice. Yeah I know it's a hassle waking up early to do something, or getting home late when all you wanted to do was chill, but in the grand scheme of things, you're not going to be like, "I wish I had slept more instead of..." or "I wish I didn't pay that fare or fuel the car going to..." unless you're dating a particularly annoying person, in which case that's another story. But if you're in a good relationship or you're hoping to build a good relationship, all the minor inconveniences you faced in getting where you want to go, trust me they won't matter in the long run. (They'll probably not matter in the short-run when you see your girl scream in surprise when you drop by to give her a hug after she's had a bad day, or see that smile or get that hug that says, "Oh my gosh, you did that for me", dude, you'll feel like a rock star! Not to mention score about a million points with him/her)

Obviously these mean nothing if there's no trust and commitment in your relationship and both of you aren't committed to building toward something and making it work. We'll look more at this tomorrow.

Make sure you drop by the website and do the quiz with your loved one.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

My Type

Warning: Girly Post Ahead

Apparently I have a type. My sister calls it "scruffy looking people". My friends can usually pick out a guy from a crowd and know that I'm into that person. Technically, maybe I do have a type. Some stuff is just what women have been conditioned to look for in men. Some stuff I feel is genuine, like he has to be tall, because all the men in my family are tall and I don't want him to feel out of that genuine? :-)

I don't really feel the whole, "looks don't matter" vybe. I truly believe there are people God created who see beyond that, and at the end of it all, I'm sure I'll be one of those people when we're old and wrinkly or if God forbid, something happens, but until then, I want the world to slow down, my palms to be sweaty and achy* and my heart to race. I can't help it, I like cute guys.

*Yeah, my palms ache when I'm super nervous, I'm a girl multiplied by 1 million.

Granted, my cute hasn't usually been my sisters' cute or my friends' cute or my moms' cute, but that doesn't matter, what matters is if it's my cute and he makes my heart race and my palms ache and the world slows down. I want to blush and feel the heat rise up my face when we "hold hands", I want the sparks!

Granted, I'm not expecting Mario Cimarro or William Levy or Chris Evans or Chris Hemsworth to knock down my door, I don't want a screen saver. Screen savers don't keep you warm at night. I want the heart that's after God's, I want the character, I want the chivalry, but I also want the smile and the eyes that pierce your soul and the arms ;-) When you marry someone, you're his and he's yours, so I'd rather belong to someone who I actually want to and feel motivated to belong to :-)

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Getting Personal: Dating

{First posted on Raha and Love}

I don't talk that much about my personal life on my blogs; sure if I have an especially memorable day, I'll flood you with pictures, but that's mostly because I love having a sort of online diary where all my memories and pics are, like Facebook with words and chronology, but other than that, the day to day stuff I keep to myself. Besides, if my entire life and thoughts are here, what fun will there be for people who meet me in real life to get to know me?

I write about lessons I learn and how those apply to my life. Today though, I'll tell you a little about my dating life or lack of...

Didn't date in High School. I just had very great day dreams about a Christian rock-star guitarist whisking me off to get married by the time I turned 21. Seriously, I wanted to get married by 21!

The second I joined college though, suddenly I was flooded with guys! I went on tons of dates, had tons of crushes, a couple of potential boyfriends, none of them worked out. In my head, I still want(ed) that Christian rock-star guitarist and the guys I crushed on wanted that girl who goes clubbing every weekend, which I wasn't. Somewhere in the middle of that though, I caved in and turned into that girl and my Christian rock-star guitarist dream disappeared. About a year later things ended and I finally realized, I can only be me.

Yeah, so I joined Mizizi at Mavuno Church; little by little, God pieced my heart back together, kinda brought me back to myself, restored me...tried dating again here and there but my heart just wasn't in it. So, after a timely message at my Church, I took a 1 year pledge to work on myself and my relationship with God - being the one instead of looking for the one - as we call it. My prayer that day, February 5th was something like,

“Lord, I suck at this dating thing. I really do. I've tried and failed to follow my own way. I don’t want to lead guys on and have a boyfriend for the sake of having a boyfriend. And Lord, I don’t EVER want to go through this heartbreak ever again and I don't want to break anybody's heart again. Please, I pray that the next person I date, is the one that you would have me marry.”

So, I'm still in the year, not done with the pledge. 2 years after the breakup, I was finally able to close the door with that other guy amicably so there's no bitterness and issues left there, yayy! I got into music and serving in Church which I LOVE!

Learning to let God be my everything. All this other stuff is just details, details that I love, I mean, I love being in love - sweaty palms, heart racing, excited when the phone rings, taking goofy pictures - I love all of that, and I'm praying I get all that some day soon, but really, it's just "all these other things". I'm learning to let God be my everything.  He's the only one that can truly tell me who I'm meant to be and complete me; I don't get fully how He'll do that, but He will.

Yeah, so that's me.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Getting Personal

I don't talk that much about my personal life on my blogs; sure if I have an especially memorable day, I'll flood you with pictures, but that's mostly because I love having a sort of online diary where all my memories and pics are, like Facebook with words and chronology, but other than that, the day to day stuff I keep to myself. Besides, if my entire life and thoughts are here, what fun will there be for people who meet me in real life to get to know me?

I write about lessons I learn and how those apply to my life. Today though, I'll tell you a little about my dating life or lack of...

Didn't date in High School. I just had very great day dreams about a Christian rock-star guitarist whisking me off to get married by the time I turned 21. Seriously, I wanted to get married by 21!

The second I joined college though, suddenly I was flooded with guys! I went on tons of dates, had tons of crushes, a couple of potential boyfriends, none of them worked out. In my head, I still want(ed) that Christian rock-star guitarist and the guys I crushed on wanted that girl who goes clubbing every weekend, which I wasn't. Somewhere in the middle of that though, I caved in and turned into that girl and my Christian rock-star guitarist dream disappeared. About a year later things ended and I finally realized, I can only be me.

Yeah, so I joined Mizizi at Mavuno Church; little by little, God pieced my heart back together, kinda brought me back to myself, restored me...tried dating again here and there but my heart just wasn't in it. So, after a timely message at my Church, I took a 1 year pledge to work on myself and my relationship with God - being the one instead of looking for the one - as we call it. My prayer that day, February 5th was something like,

“Lord, I suck at this dating thing. I really do. I've tried and failed to follow my own way. I don’t want to lead guys on and have a boyfriend for the sake of having a boyfriend. And Lord, I don’t EVER want to go through this heartbreak ever again and I don't want to break anybody's heart again. Please, I pray that the next person I date, is the one that you would have me marry.”

So, I'm still in the year, not done with the pledge. 2 years after the breakup, I was finally able to close the door with that other guy amicably so there's no bitterness and issues left there, yayy! I got into music and serving in Church which I LOVE!

Learning to let God be my everything. All this other stuff is just details, details that I love, I mean, I love being in love - sweaty palms, heart racing, excited when the phone rings, taking goofy pictures - I love all of that, and I'm praying I get all that some day soon, but really, it's just "all these other things". I'm learning to let God be my everything.  He's the only one that can truly tell me who I'm meant to be and complete me; I don't get fully how He'll do that, but He will.

Yeah, so that's me.

The Teeniest Bit of Faith is Enough

You know how every blog has a label, like "mommy blog", "wedding blog", "dating blog", well apparently mine has turned into a "Christian blog" and it wasn't intentional, like I'm sure most people don't set out to be "mommy bloggers", you just write about your life and whatever's going on with you is what becomes the theme of your writing. 

Well, right now, God is what's going on with me. To be honest, I'm just trying to figure all this out. I really don't get how this God thing works, you know, thinking about creation. Like, God created us, fine. God revealed Himself to a bunch of writers who put all He'd said in scrolls and letters which form the Bible that's lasted centuries and has been proved to be valid with archaeological evidence, fine. God is above us watching us, don't get that. God existed before creation, don't get that. Angels live in heaven, don't get that. I mean, there's a lot I don't get! 

I watch miracles and stories on TV and I'm not talking about that Embakasi pastor who pays people to pretend that he healed them, I'm talking real, live miracles seeing limbs restored and deaf people hearing and I don't get that. I look at my own life and all the stuff I did and think, after all that, I'm still here, I'm still normal {somewhat hehehe :-)} and I'm free/healed, I don't get that. Why me? 

But, I just thank God, because as much as I don't get  the logistics behind all this God stuff, the fact that I believe in His existence and the fact that I trust Him and I call Him willingness to step beyond the constraints of my limited understanding, that's enough for Him and He can use that and grow that.


Sunday, August 19, 2012

The Best Cure for a Hot Day is a Hot Cup of Tea

I just watched probably the most controversial episode of the wedding show ever! A girl my age who was also my High School classmate marrying a controversial over 50-year old "pastor"...

I commented enough on Twitter, so I officially have nothing else to say! Hehehe

Anyway, it just left me feeling kinda sad, obviously I have no idea what's going on in their relationship and whether they're really in love or whether he really is a saved man, or whether all the rumors on the internet are true, but I'm still sad.

I'm just thinking, man, in your 20's you're supposed to be having fun and you're supposed to find the man of your dreams and be happy and start a family and have everybody happy for you and excited and you get to start your happily ever after. I get not everyone has a "happily ever after" but still, 23 and a mother to a bunch of kids nearly your age?

I just lost faith in this whole wedding thing, but a friend of mine once said, "The best cure for a hot day, is a hot cup of tea" Apparently, it's true...I don't know.

Anyway, so now I'm on Pinterest looking at Wedding Pins trying to restore my faith in "perfect couples" and non-embarassing weddings and happily ever afters.

I wanted to get some cutesy picture of a couple in love, but this is perfect.

Faith officially restored.

Future hubby, let's be weird together :-)


Saturday, August 18, 2012

Love Letters

So we did a love letter yesterday and yes, we're doing another love letter today, I can't help it, I'm a hopeless romantic and I love writing, so words get to me!

This girl wrote a letter to her future Mr. Right here

...I've tried to be one of those super career women, but in all honestly, in my heart, nothing could be more satisfying than to fulfill my God-given role as your "helpmate," your wife. My dreams and interests are everywhere. I have too many. But I know in my heart, you see the big picture in your life. You know how you want to make a difference, and you have a passion and purpose that I'm going to believe in too and help you achieve...There's a reason why we're still not together right now. Maybe it's me because to be frank, I just haven't gotten my stuff together. My ducks in a row. I'm just not quite there yet, not yet your dream woman...I'm still wrestling with issues, things I really don't want you to have to deal with. God is pouring out his grace on me. Until then, I hope you are waiting patiently for me and getting ready to be mine as well. Remember, first and foremost, that love is patient. God has to reteach me this lesson every morning...You know, I fear many things. That's an issue I'm trying to deal with right now. I'm afraid that I'll be more into you than you are into me or that you'll be more into me than I am into you. Some women think that's the safest way to go: finding a guy who is way more into them than they are him. But I don't want to sacrifice desire for security. I want to be with a guy who knocks the socks off my feet just as much as I make him dizzy with desire. I'm afraid because I think I'm asking God for too much. I know I'm asking for way more than I deserve, but hey, isn't that the theme of salvation, receiving by grace for what we don't deserve? I'm not saying I want you to be perfect. I hope you're not expecting me to be either. On this earth, perfect is boring and unreal. I don't want perfection. I just want someone perfect for me. And I know you are out there; I know you are looking for me and I'm just hopelessly optimistic that you are real...My point is that I'm asking you to lead and initiate relationships with the opposite sex. Nowadays, a lot of women do the pursuing, but that's not what I am called to do, so if you're going to find me, I won't be one of those women. If I stole your role as pursuer, I'd be stealing from you the joy you receive when you've worked for something of value. At least you don't have to work 14 years for me like Jacob did for Rachel! By work, I mean work up the courage to put yourself out there and make your intentions clear to the women you pursue. I know it's hard to date right now. Women want equality and chivalry and it's hard to figure out what that looks like. You may have been rejected or hurt in the past and have come up empty-handed, but don't give up; I promise I will be worth it. Remember this verse in your quest: "Who can find a virtuous wife? For her worth is far above rubies, " or " He who finds a wife finds what is good and receives favor from the Lord." (I'm kinda a big deal. j/k)... I want to get married, but not to a man who wants to get married just for the sake of getting married. I want to get married to a man who wants to get married to me, not just to the concept of marriage. I hope you want me because you see something special in me, you see your missing half, and you know I am the owner of your missing rib...May God speed up my transformation process so he can speed me to you. Don't give up looking for me. Don't settle for Miss Right Now, because trust me, when I come along, you're going to wish you were free to be with me. I don't know what you'll look like on the outside, but I know you will be a man after God's own heart. I know you will have integrity, courage, strength of character and respect: characteristics of greatness that I will wait an eternity for. I can honestly say right now that I've loved you even before I've met you, because I'm waiting for you. I hope that my love will be a cause for you to glorify God. Don't give up on me. God already knows who I am, and in His time, He'll reveal that to you.
Click here to read the rest of this amazing letter...

This guy wrote back a letter to his future Miss Right here

...None of us were created to be alone, we thrive off of love and relationship, so I think it’d be mutually beneficial for us to find each other quickly. The truth is, and this is where most guys won’t admit it, I need you as much as you need me. I’ve tried to be one of those super macho guys, but in all honesty, in my heart, nothing could be more satisfying than to be your sensitive and loving provider, your husband.
...I know that there are wonderful things out there for us to discover together, God will reveal them to each of us in time. There IS a reason we’re still not together...Truthfully, the reason we’re not together is that I’ve asked God to hold off on our introduction until I’m ready to be the man you deserve. I have some of the same fears. Trust me, nothing’s scarier for a guy than to think that he’ll be the emotional head over heels in love one, while you look on in disdain. I want to get lightheaded when you walk into a room, and I want you to melt at my smile. Don’t be afraid, you can never ask too much of God. Nothing is beyond His capacity. The very reason you feel like I should be these things for you, is because God has created a desire in you specifically for me and only me, who will be these things, and you won’t be happy with any other guy...y heart aches at the very thought of you getting me. I’m the undeserving one. It’s not fair that someone with a past like mine gets coupled with the woman of his dreams. But the beauty of grace, is that it makes life not fair. I AM looking for you, and I’m waiting for God to deem the time right for us to meet. The fact that I know you’re out there doing the same, only strengthens me further...My eyes were made with you in mind, so I’d say you have an advantage over other women....Your imperfections are what make you you, and I can put you just as easily on my screensaver or wall, as any of those other women. And the best part is, then I’ll have the real thing right by my side to keep me warm...We’ll have our pitfalls, but we’ll also have our mountain tops, and there’s no one I’d rather share my adventure with because I know that there’s no way I can grow to be the man God wants me to be without you by my side...I’ll search for you until I die, but I trust God to make sure it doesn’t take that long. Don’t settle for Mister Sorta Charming, because trust me, when you meet me, he’s going to look like the frog. I know not what form you’ll take, but I know you’ll be the woman God’s formed for and from me. I know you will have honesty, faith, tenderness, and a pure heart: each a beauty in and of its own. Even one of these is worth waiting an eternity for. I’ve loved you as long as you have me, and for the same reason. Don’t give up waiting for me, I’m searching for you. When we do finally meet, you can be sure God will have orchestrated it to bring out the both in best of us and to glorify Him in the greatest means possible. God’s been moving in both of our lives, and He’s been moving us together. It’s only a matter of time before that finally happens.
Click here to read the rest of this amazing letter...


Friday, August 17, 2012

Love Letters

I found this letter on this website, called Plenty of Fish, but there was no author so I guess the only person I can attribute is Sunshine428 :-) 

When I created the heavens and the earth, I spoke them into being.
When I created man, I formed him and breathed life into his nostrils.
But you, woman, I fashioned after I breathed the breath of life into man, because your nostrils are too delicate.
I allowed a deep sleep to come over him
So I could patiently and perfectly fashion you.

Man was put to sleep so that he could not interfere with the creativity.
From the bone, I fashioned you.
I chose the bone that protects man’s life.
I chose the rib, which protects his heart and lungs and supports him, 
As you are meant to do.
Around this one bone, I shaped you…….. I modeled you.
I created you perfectly and beautifully.

Your characteristics are as the rib, strong yet delicate and fragile.
You provide protection for the most delicate organ in man, his heart.
His heart is the center of his being; his lungs hold the breath of life.
The ribcage will allow itself to be broken before it will allow damage to the heart. Support man as the rib cage supports the body.

You were not taken from his feet, to be under him,
Nor were you taken from his head, to be above him.
You were taken from his side, to stand beside him and be held close to his side.

You are my perfect angel….. you are my perfect little girl.
You have grown to be a splendid woman of excellence,
And my eyes fill when I see the virtues in your heart.

Your eyes… don’t change them.
Your lips, how lovely when they part in prayer.
Your nose, so perfect in form.
Your hands, so gentle to touch. I’ve caressed your face in your deepest sleep.
I’ve held your heart close to mine.

Of all that lives and breathes, you are most like me.
Adam walked with me in the cool of the day, yet he was lonely.
He could not See or touch me. He could only feel me. 
So everything I wanted Adam to share and experience with me, I fashioned in you; my Holiness, my Strength, my Purity, my Love, my Protection and Support.

You are special because you are an extension of me.
Man represents my image, woman my emotions.
Together, you represent the totality of God.

So man……… Treat woman well.
Love her, respect her, for she is fragile. In hurting her, you hurt me.
What you do to her, you do to me.
In crushing her, you only damage your own heart;
The heart of your Father, and the heart of her Father.

Woman, support man. In humility, show him the power of emotion
I have given you.
In gentle quietness, show your strength.
In love, show him that you are the rib that protects his inner self.
Did you not know that WOMAN is special in God’s eyes?

You Are All I Need

I've really been considering the implication of these words recently; we sing it all the time in worship, when we're praying, that's what a lot of people say, but what does it mean?

I have a lot of stuff that's going on in my life, dreams for my future, things that I need or maybe desperately want {I may or may not be thinking about a new phone as I write his :-)} but the aim of Christianity, salvation, is to get filled up by and content with God and God alone.

Last night I was reading Nehemiah which is where we're at with the One Year Bible reading plan, and I was just thinking, the only "Bible" guys in the Old Testament had was the Book of Moses, which is basically where the commandments were kept. We, on the other hand have hundreds of stories, thousands of promises, page after page of how God's shown his love over the centuries, yet those guys had such a rich relationship, they lived it, they experienced God every single day and I think that's what we're aiming for.

We might have the "playbook", know what pitfalls to avoid, know what promise to quote at every situation. Countless of self-help books centered around the Bible, yet what we live in isn't "it". I'm saved, millions of people are saved, but there's no way I can compare my life with John or Peter or Paul or all those other guys from the early Church. My life has been changed, so what? I mean, those guys would literally walk under a light and their shadow would heal people. They were leaking God everywhere they went.

Yes I have all this stuff that I want and desperately desire, dreams for how I want my life to go, but I also don't want to miss out on that authentic encounter that's changed people's lives all across the world. Look at Kim Walker-Smith or Steffany Frizzell or people who've left their homes to be missionaries in desolate places. Doctors inventing new techniques to heal, geeks coming up with new ways to communicate :-) People whose lives are just the picture of going wherever God asks them to go. People who hear and follow the heartbeat of God. I feel like those guys know what heaven is, they live it daily and isn't that the point of getting saved in the first place. My life has been changed, so what?

Still, discontentment over the normal or lack of "the normal" fills my heart. I let all this "stuff" keep me up at night, yet in a year or 10 years, none of it will matter! I worry, I fret, I get anxious, I stress over this stuff. It may be o.k., it may be valid - worrying over stuff God's legitimately placed in my heart, but if I'm honest, it mostly isn't. I take on the burden of worrying about whether I'm missing out on this or that, or whether I should go after this or that like I'm the author of my life. 

I'm not content with Christ alone and this bothers me. I'm lost, I'm rambling, but I hope that somebody out there gets what I mean. Most importantly, I pray and hope God gets what I mean. 


Thursday, August 16, 2012

The Altar Doesn't Alter

Honestly, if you listen to some radio stations in the morning, you would never ever want to get married. Like this morning, the discussion was on how men marry for 3 things, good food, clean house, and sex, and if you are unable to provide one or all of these things, then he absolutely has to have a girl on the side,

People called in and I think the saddest one was this lady who'd been married 8 years and in their 5th year while she was on maternity leave, she found out her husband had an affair with one of her friends, and this discovery led to a lot more because the guy had cheated a bunch of times before that. She says she got married as a virgin and now she's living with HIV.

Another guy called in and said he just doesn't get turned on by his wife, they don't have sex and he's not cheating, he just doesn't want it.

What about the stories of the girl who cant cook and the husband sends her back to her mother's...yeah, it happens. Or the men who cheat with the housemaid, or bring girls home from the bar and kick the wife out of bed! I even watched a Nigerian movie about this girl who married this extremely handsome man and on the wedding night the guy is like, "there's no hurry, we're both tired" same story for 6 weeks, finally the girl finds out the guy is gay. Or like the guy who just yesterday was a sweetheart and now, if you don't get that spot out of his shirt, he throws it in your face.

Yeah, so you know that fear I was talking about yesterday, as you can see, it just about quadrupled!

Rick Shurtz, a pastor from Gateway Church in Austin said once, "The altar doesn't alter the condition of your hearts..." We even see this in the Bible, Jacob marrying Leah didn't make him love her anymore because his heart was already set on something else (Rachel) - {Genesis 29 and 30}

Before you get into it with someone, be smart, it's called due diligence. My Pastor talked about how couples nowadays date in isolation, you can be with someone for months and the person's never introduced you to his friends or family, that's a deal breaker! You end up falling in love with someone's image that they've purported and not the real person. I grew up in the, "come over we watch a movie" generation, so I know!

Pastor M recommended doing group hangouts, inviting each other to your life groups, casual family stuff, being out in public and seeing how they react to certain situations like a rude waiter or a random person that's bumped into them and scuffed their shoe. You'll never see that when you're indoors. Check out what their friends think about them, their family dynamic, their character.

I feel like this would work a lot better than Facebook stalking your girlfriend or being married and counting their mileage to see if they came straight home from work, or hugging them and sniffing for signs of perfume or cologne.

About the whole sex in marriage thing, obviously, I have no comment, but I found this great article all you married folks might find interesting:

"In a nutshell, here’s what I think: a healthy marriage consists of give and take in every area, including sex. So the wife should give when she’s able, as much as she’s able, and as enthusiastically as she’s able. At the same time, when she is not able, the husband should then give grace. To me, that’s a healthy marriage. For most of the month, you have a great time, and then for those five days you concentrate on other areas of relating, like talking, or cuddling, or watching a movie, or whatever–unless, of course, she would like to do something more sexual (and about 30% of women do. There’s nothing wrong with that!)... {Continue reading....}

What I'm Reading: Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers

I love being on break! I wake up leisurely at 8:30, read my Bible and pray, make a cup of coffee and peanut butter and pineapple jam for breakfast, settle down for my guilty pleasure (watch Pasion de Gavilanes and La Tormenta reruns on NTV) don't judge, I'm a girl, those Mexican soaps fill my soul j/k!

After those 2 hours bonding with Santos Torrealba and the Reyes brothers, I clean, do laundry/dishes or whatever, then, and this is where I kill all you people busy at work...grab a book, head outside and just sit and read and enjoy the great weather we've had this week :-)

Sadly, being a woman of leisure is drawing to a close since I'm heading into my last semester after which, I'll have to be on the grind just like all of you. Until then though, I'm milking this carefree life for all its worth!

This week, I'm re-reading for about the hundredth time, this gem: 

The book is a fictional story based on the book of Hosea in the Bible. You know Hosea, the prophet God called to marry a prostitute to represent the condition of Israel...look it up!

Anyway, this is the most amazing book I've ever read. Michael Hosea is such a man, like he gets angry and frustrated but he loves fiercely and is determined to let Angel know that. Angel is so broken and you can feel her pain and celebrate in her growth...anyway, I wont spoil it for you. All I can say is, if you find it, buy it!


Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Unhappily Ever After?

A couple of things freak me out about relationships:
  • Secrets
  • Falling “out of love”
  • Cheating/Affairs
  • Break-ups/Divorce

I mean, for most people, relationships are a major part of life. You’re born into a family, you grow up, you get a job, you start another family – with friends and soon after with a partner and kids, and the cycle continues. At any point of your life, you’re part of a family. Good or bad.

I just read that Deitrick and Damita Haddon just got a divorce. He put this up on his Facebook page::

Yes, this isn’t the first high-profile Christian personality divorce. But, this get’s to me because they’re in WorshipL. We’ve seen a bunch of “Christian” divorces. Every single time, the reason is the same;

“I put my ministry before my spouse.”

I feel like this line has been repeated so many times, it’s a little bit of a cliché. We’ll probably never know the real reasons, but whatever they are, the fact is, I don’t get how a couple could have technically done everything we’re advised to do in Church/Christian circles, you know, follow God’s calling on your life, marry a person who loves God like you do, pray together, serve together, and still, they end up in divorce. Or affairs, another Christian artist Da Truth was caught up in an affair last year! Juanita Bynum was apparently abused. Paula White got divorced too.

This just freaks me out! I mean, there are already enough unknowns in the world, after the wedding, the unknowns are supposed to stop! I don’t need to go to bed every night thinking, “Oh my God, what secrets is he hiding? Is he still in love with me? Is he having an affair? Is our marriage alright?”

Also, when you realize your marriage is in trouble, is it that hard to work on in? In my {probably naïve} mind, I’d think that when you realize you put your job before your wife, you’d take a month off and work on your marriage. You’d pray about it, get help, get people to stand with you and pray for you. Is it that prayer isn’t enough?

Like I said, I have no idea - none of us do - what went on inside these marriages, but, I just can’t allow myself to believe that there’s no hope. That after the commitment is made and you hit a rocky patch, the only option is to quit. I can’t believe in a world, in a relationship, in a marriage with no hope. I can’t believe in “till ‘falling out of love’ does us part”.

A lot of people tell me I’m a dreamer. That in reality it all goes downhill after the wedding, and the claws come out. That being “in-love” only exists when you guys are courting. That I’m going to get sick of the dirty stinky socks and underwear everywhere except the hamper. Irritated with the guy coming home late and going out all weekend, squeezing the toothpaste from the middle and leaving the cap off…argh! Frustrated when he just doesn't understand me!!!

Relationships are hard; I personally have no idea how to make them work.

All I know is that in my own life, all I can do is just pray and seek God on how to love. God is love and every part of Him spills out love, and He knows how I need to love whoever I’m with.

I need to seek God on how to commit, how to be honest, how to open my heart, how to handle conflict, not just in a relationship, but in my own life. I need to seek God on how to handle and relate and cope with different personalities while retaining and growing my own. I need to seek God on how to GROW UP!

When you audition for a Choir/Worship Team, let’s say as an alto, after the Worship Pastor hears you sing, he’ll put you in a group with a soprano and a tenor to listen to how well you can maintain your voice in a crowd. You can’t really “fake it till you make it”. A song is going to come up and if you try to sing high, your voice will crack and you aren’t going to make it.

I believe it works the same way in life. You need to seek God to make you who he created “you” to be. This practice of being a different person in different relationships just won’t work. Trust me, been there done that! 

Somewhere out there is someone who can handle the real you. Once you find them, how much easier will it be to put in the work when you aren’t focused on being somebody else? Yeah, it’s work; from day 1 you need to build the right foundation so you’re not in the middle of everything in a couple of years discontent, irritated and stuck, or worse, divorced and heartbroken.

Life is work. Relationships are work. Marriages are work. THAT IS LIFE!

Anyway, like I said, I have no idea AT ALL how to make a relationship work. I have been a big fat failure, but before I jump into another doomed relationship…I’m determined to learn.


Unhappily Ever After?

A couple of things freak me out about relationships:
  • Secrets
  • Falling “out of love”
  • Cheating/Affairs
  • Break-ups/Divorce

I mean, for most people, relationships are a major part of life. You’re born into a family, you grow up, you get a job, you start another family – with friends and soon after with a partner and kids, and the cycle continues. At any point of your life, you’re part of a family. Good or bad.

I just read that Deitrick and Damita Haddon just got a divorce. He put this up on his Facebook page::

Yes, this isn’t the first high-profile Christian personality divorce. But, this get’s to me because they’re in WorshipL. We’ve seen a bunch of “Christian” divorces. Every single time, the reason is the same;

“I put my ministry before my spouse.”

I feel like this line has been repeated so many times, it’s a little bit of a cliché. We’ll probably never know the real reasons, but whatever they are, the fact is, I don’t get how a couple could have technically done everything we’re advised to do in Church/Christian circles, you know, follow God’s calling on your life, marry a person who loves God like you do, pray together, serve together, and still, they end up in divorce. Or affairs, another Christian artist Da Truth was caught up in an affair last year! Juanita Bynum was apparently abused. Paula White got divorced too.

This just freaks me out! I mean, there are already enough unknowns in the world, after the wedding, the unknowns are supposed to stop! I don’t need to go to bed every night thinking, “Oh my God, what secrets is he hiding? Is he still in love with me? Is he having an affair? Is our marriage alright?”

Also, when you realize your marriage is in trouble, is it that hard to work on in? In my {probably naïve} mind, I’d think that when you realize you put your job before your wife, you’d take a month off and work on your marriage. You’d pray about it, get help, get people to stand with you and pray for you. Is it that prayer isn’t enough?

Like I said, I have no idea - none of us do - what went on inside these marriages, but, I just can’t allow myself to believe that there’s no hope. That after the commitment is made and you hit a rocky patch, the only option is to quit. I can’t believe in a world, in a relationship, in a marriage with no hope. I can’t believe in “till ‘falling out of love’ does us part”.

A lot of people tell me I’m a dreamer. That in reality it all goes downhill after the wedding, and the claws come out. That being “in-love” only exists when you guys are courting. That I’m going to get sick of the dirty stinky socks and underwear everywhere except the hamper. Irritated with the guy coming home late and going out all weekend, squeezing the toothpaste from the middle and leaving the cap off…argh! Frustrated when he just doesn't understand me!!!

Relationships are hard; I personally have no idea how to make them work.

All I know is that in my own life, all I can do is just pray and seek God on how to love. God is love and every part of Him spills out love, and He knows how I need to love whoever I’m with.

I need to seek God on how to commit, how to be honest, how to open my heart, how to handle conflict, not just in a relationship, but in my own life. I need to seek God on how to handle and relate and cope with different personalities while retaining and growing my own. I need to seek God on how to GROW UP!

When you audition for a Choir/Worship Team, let’s say as an alto, after the Worship Pastor hears you sing, he’ll put you in a group with a soprano and a tenor to listen to how well you can maintain your voice in a crowd. You can’t really “fake it till you make it”. A song is going to come up and if you try to sing high, your voice will crack and you aren’t going to make it.

I believe it works the same way in life. You need to seek God to make you who he created “you” to be. This practice of being a different person in different relationships just won’t work. Trust me, been there done that! 

Somewhere out there is someone who can handle the real you. Once you find them, how much easier will it be to put in the work when you aren’t focused on being somebody else? Yeah, it’s work; from day 1 you need to build the right foundation so you’re not in the middle of everything in a couple of years discontent, irritated and stuck, or worse, divorced and heartbroken.

Life is work. Relationships are work. Marriages are work. THAT IS LIFE!

Anyway, like I said, I have no idea AT ALL how to make a relationship work. I have been a big fat failure, but before I jump into another doomed relationship…I’m determined to learn.


Blog Update

Hey guys, so you might have noticed a couple of changes to the blog...

  • Pages: I thought it'd be cool if I set up different blogs targeting different things, and you can read about specific stuff without having to go through all the muck trying to find something particular, say, 
  1. Music I like, just click on The Sound, 
  2. Bible and God stuff, just click on Bent Reeds, 
  3. Love and relationship stuff, just click on Raha and Love. 
  4. Coming soon, I'll even have a health and fitness page, which will be really cool so I can finally kick some weight off and be healthy. 
Don't worry though, all the posts will still show up on this "home page" i.e. Raha and Life
  • Sponsors/Button Swap: Right now, if you check out the right side of this page, I have a little scrolling list of the blogs I love and that I did button swaps with a couple of months back. If you'e interested in being a sponsor FOR FREE! Just shoot me an e-mail or comment and I'll have your button up for as long as you want, as long as you have my button up on your page too :-)

I think that's it.

Lastly, I pray for you guys everyday. The point of all this, apart from being a great outlet for my crazy thoughts is to let you guys know you aren't alone and I hope a little of what I write helps ya'll!


Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Don't Despise Humble Beginnings

My Worship Pastor said this to us in passing this past weekend, but it really stuck with me. Around that same time, I'd also been listening to Kim Walker-Smith speak about how sometimes she'd be praying and God didn't seem to come through for her in the way that she would have wanted Him to, and she wondered why there wasn't an encounter with Him every time. She said she came to realize that, and I quote,

"Someday I'll live in the fruit of this moment."

Most of the time for me, I deal with discontentment. I'm constantly wrestling with God, like, why aren't I the one experiencing the Holy Spirit, why am I still struggling with addictions, why am I still not the best daughter to my mom, why am I still not the perfect friend, why do I still get moody, why am I still single, why am I still on probation with the Worship Team?

Today I was thinking about the little hump I was facing that I talked about yesterday and I realized, if it hadn't been for growing closer to God these past 6 months and if it hadn't been for developing this love for worship grown alone in my bedroom with Bethel and Jesus Culture blaring, I never would have been able to realize what love really is, I never would have understood my value, I'd still be stuck in that low self-esteem cycle constantly second guessing myself.

Other ways I'm living in the fruit of the humble moments:

  • If it wasn't for this time off and focusing on God and focusing on myself, all these lessons I'm learning daily, I never would have learned. 
  • If it wasn't for the mistakes I make as a daughter or as a friend, I'd never learn how to deal with and live with the different personalities I'm going to face for the rest of my life. 
  • If it wasn't for being on probation, I'd never have seen the work that goes into making a service happen, I'd never have bonded with my new friends like that, I'd never have known the importance of humility and laughter and getting along with a team, I'd never have gotten the confidence boost I needed to get on that stage with a smaller team. 
  • If it wasn't for my "single-hood", I'd never have gotten the great role models I've found who exemplify what kind of love we should be aiming for, I'd never have realized God's plan for me is far much greater than anything I could plan or strive for, I'd never have learnt what it takes to be not just a great girlfriend, but how to be a great me when I'm part of an "us"
  • If it wasn't for the mood swings and the temptations, I never would have known the power of the name of Jesus and my constant need minute-by-minute second-by-second of Him, I'd never have understood the redemptive nature f the Holy Spirit, I'd never have understood the concept of grace or the picture of God as a Father constantly letting me dust myself off and come back home.

I'm going through a host of other things that I'm struggling to find meaning and purpose behind. Life happens, you get hurt or offended when you didn't deserve it and you wonder, what is God thinking??? But, my reminder to myself, and my encouragement to you is, don't despise the low moment you are in right now, we can't see it, we can't understand it but trust that we really do serve an all-powerful God, and more importantly a God with unfailing, unending love and He can see the end from the beginning. His intentions are to prosper you and not harm you.


To get the printable just right click and select "Save as". If you'd like me to create a personalized printable for you just shoot me an email or comment.

Don't Despise Humble Beginnings

My Worship Pastor said this to us in passing this past weekend, but it really stuck with me. Around that same time, I'd also been listening to Kim Walker-Smith speak about how sometimes she'd be praying and God didn't seem to come through for her in the way that she would have wanted Him to, and she wondered why there wasn't an encounter with Him every time. She said she came to realize that, and I quote,

"Someday I'll live in the fruit of this moment."

Most of the time for me, I deal with discontentment. I'm constantly wrestling with God, like, why aren't I the one experiencing the Holy Spirit, why am I still struggling with addictions, why am I still not the best daughter to my mom, why am I still not the perfect friend, why do I still get moody, why am I still single, why am I still on probation with the Worship Team?

Today I was thinking about the little hump I was facing that I talked about yesterday and I realized, if it hadn't been for growing closer to God these past 6 months and if it hadn't been for developing this love for worship grown alone in my bedroom with Bethel and Jesus Culture blaring, I never would have been able to realize what love really is, I never would have understood my value, I'd still be stuck in that low self-esteem cycle constantly second guessing myself.

Other ways I'm living in the fruit of the humble moments:

  • If it wasn't for this time off and focusing on God and focusing on myself, all these lessons I'm learning daily, I never would have learned. 
  • If it wasn't for the mistakes I make as a daughter or as a friend, I'd never learn how to deal with and live with the different personalities I'm going to face for the rest of my life. 
  • If it wasn't for being on probation, I'd never have seen the work that goes into making a service happen, I'd never have bonded with my new friends like that, I'd never have known the importance of humility and laughter and getting along with a team, I'd never have gotten the confidence boost I needed to get on that stage with a smaller team. 
  • If it wasn't for my "single-hood", I'd never have gotten the great role models I've found who exemplify what kind of love we should be aiming for, I'd never have realized God's plan for me is far much greater than anything I could plan or strive for, I'd never have learnt what it takes to be not just a great girlfriend, but how to be a great me when I'm part of an "us"
  • If it wasn't for the mood swings and the temptations, I never would have known the power of the name of Jesus and my constant need minute-by-minute second-by-second of Him, I'd never have understood the redemptive nature f the Holy Spirit, I'd never have understood the concept of grace or the picture of God as a Father constantly letting me dust myself off and come back home.

I'm going through a host of other things that I'm struggling to find meaning and purpose behind. Life happens, you get hurt or offended when you didn't deserve it and you wonder, what is God thinking??? But, my reminder to myself, and my encouragement to you is, don't despise the low moment you are in right now, we can't see it, we can't understand it but trust that we really do serve an all-powerful God, and more importantly a God with unfailing, unending love and He can see the end from the beginning. His intentions are to prosper you and not harm you.


To get the printable just right click and select "Save as". If you'd like me to create a personalized printable for you just shoot me an email or comment.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Helloooo hellooo helloo hello! Its an Awakening akening kening ning!

I don't know if you got that, but that's supposed to be an echo :-)

I've been a bad blogger lately I think it's been about two weeks. A lot's been happening, for instance -

  • My brother and sister in law got a new baby girl on August 3rd!!! 
  • I sang with the Mavuno Choir for the first time this weekend, all 3 services which was really, if you got to a Church with multiple services, really show your love to the service leaders...there is so much that goes into set up and take down and doing it all over again between every service.
  • Spent the weekend bonding with my girlfriends which was awesome, we may or may not have formed a "special" prayer circle...sorry inside joke ;-)
  • Finished exams and now I'm on a 3 week holiday
  • Speaking of exams, guess who is now a CPA II, me! Passed my exams! Woohoo!

The hugest thing that happened this weekend is I feel like after a long stagnation and even a little "backsliding" in the past 4 weeks, my relationship with God grew by leaps and bounds this weekend. Maybe it was after singing the same songs about a hundred times that my spirit was finally ministered to :-)

I've always put my own stuff, issues, life, ahead of God. I've always put other people's (read boys) stuff, issues, lives ahead of me, so the equation of my life was 1. Whatever guy is in circulation 2. Me 3. God. Really insane.

People who know me know that to me relationship is so huge and the preservation of relationships, you know love, friends, family, mostly love, is a big deal for me. I am the most open and the least confrontational person in the world. This is a little bit dangerous because, I end up so caught up in being there for someone and fixing their life and in the process let people walk all over me and treat me in a way that they wouldn't want to be treated and that I would never treat them. It's tricky then because a part of me is so caught up in the potential of something and not the reality of it. In the process of all this, I end up losing myself.

Source: via William on Pinterest

Well this weekend, I just realized, even with the best intentions, doing life without God, isn't doing life at all. Everything flows out of Him, our lives flow out of a relationship with Him. Even our relationships need to flow out of a love for God. Who can teach us how to love if not God?

Think of it this way, when we're so focused on this object, our gaze never shifting from it, we could go on with our lives and 10 years later open our eyes and be like, "Dude, what am I doing here?!" If we're focused on God and get to a place where we're so connected we would follow Him anywhere and our gaze is set on Him, 10 years later we'll look back and think "Look how far God has brought me."

Anyway, the point of all this is to celebrate that for the first time in my life I re-arranged the equation...and in that maybe found some much needed balance. Now that is the power of God right thurr! 3 years ago I'd probably still be stuck in a bad situation waiting and hoping for the equation to shift in my favor. I don't know if you feel me, but, this is really a HUGE! deal for me. Woo God!

Anyways, that is whee I'm at right now, expect a lot more blogging from today.

Love you guys, and as always would love to hear from you. Let me leave you with this:

Remember for the soundtrack music that goes with this post check out my music page The Sound.
