Thursday, August 23, 2012

Waiting for God's Best

A lot can be said to the virtue of waiting. One of my best friends has never been in a relationship, she absolutely puts me to shame in the waiting category and I admire her tons! While the rest of us were out breaking hearts and getting our hearts broken, she was living drama free! Staying consistent with who she is, staying consistent with God.

She's a huge motivator to me! You know yourself :-)

I'm happy and thankful because God's put in my life friends like these, guys and girls, who've been patiently waiting their whole lives and put dating on the back burner while building their lives or guys from Church who like me took the 1 year pledge.

Anyway, to all of us taking a pause, hope you find some encouragement in this:

So to all my single friends, believe in the kind of love that God has destined for you. It doesn't have to happen now or will happen when you are ready for it. If your heart has been broken into a million pieces, God won't just piece it back together..HE will actually reward you with a brand new heart! A fresh start to love again! :) 

So this early on, I urge you to pray for the person you will choose to give that new heart to. If you feel numb, jaded, and tired of love..then pray for God to give you that burning desire back. I apologize for ra-ra-ra-ring you all to LOVE, I sound like a loved-up crazy cheerleader! Hahaha! But just as my parents and friends prayed unceasingly for my happiness, never grew tired of giving me words of encouragement, and always managed to make me feel special and loved..I would like to do the same for all of you. I may not know you all personally, but I do wish each of you the joy of finding God's love :) Continue Reading...

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