Friday, May 18, 2012

Future Life Fridays -BSSM

On this edition of Future Life Fridays, we feature one of my picks for a Church Internship, Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry. 


1. I love Bill Johnson's and Kris Vallotton's sermons. I respect how they are all about living what they preach, I respect their ability to not rely on public opinion but on God's opinion and their teachings are Bible centered and God focussed
2. I love Bethel music and to get to learn under them would be an incredible experience
3. Redding is a beautiful city with lots of outdoorsy stuff to do and normal climate
4. More affordable than most
5. Get to grow in maturity and confidence as a Christian and a Leader
6. Emphasis on loving Holy Spirit which is neglected in a lot of new churches
7. What's more inspirational than Banning Liebscher and the impact he's made on youth and young adults?
I could go on and on

1. Honestly, I just have one issue, which is a couple of pictures I saw online of some apparent BSSM students who went on a field trip to a cemetery. It's a flimsy con, because for all I know those pictures could be fake...anyway, just thought I'd be honest

Anyway, here's the breakdown from their website:

Mission: the school emphasizes that believers need to return to the ministry of signs and wonders—to minister in love, truth and the power of God. The mission of BSSM is to equip and deploy followers of Jesus Christ who passionately pursue transformation in their God-given spheres of influence. Students are trained to continue in the ministry style of Jesus: to enjoy the presence of God, say what He is saying, and do what He is doing.

Atmosphere: Boldness, passion and risk are center stage in Bethel’s school.  Emphasizes hands on training and experience along with academic understanding. This creates a do and teach culture where all of the students are expected to take risks to stretch their faith and grow in their understanding of God. BSSM believes that each verse of the Bible is an invitation into an experience with the Lord, therefore the students are challenged to live the Bible. This produces a class environment that often feels very much like a laboratory where disciples practice the things they are being taught while instructors coach the process and all this takes places in a setting of passionate worship.

Student Life: in-class hours are Monday through Thursday from 12:45 to 5:30, the school is full-time, five-days a week - minimum. The other hours consist of learning through homework, from an author or from the Holy Spirit as the students read the Word, attend services, serve on ministry teams, soaking & prayer times of personal devotion, living the supernatural lifestyle in an honorable way at work, and more. It's designed to equip students to live a supernatural lifestyle, not just minister in the gifts of the Spirit. They are encouraged to be naturally supernatural by bringing heaven to earth wherever they go. 
Therefore BSSM by design, does not have dorms. Instead we encourage students to live in the outreach neighborhoods and get jobs in the local area so that they can practice bringing Jesus to the market place as a part of their learning experience. Most of our students work part-time jobs while they attend school.
The school has no general restriction on dating for our single people, which is so common to most ministry schools. Rather, we have chosen to teach our students how to have healthy relationships and live in purity. 
Of course, learning without a lot of external restrictions creates a need for a high level of discipleship, personal responsibility and accountability in the lives of our students. This is accomplished through small group interaction and a covenant community which embraces honesty, transparency and confrontation.

Academic Life: Taught by apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers - not by professors or theologians. BSSM students learn how to read, understand, and “do” the Bible - how to cast out demons, witness, heal the sick, prophesy, preach, pray, practice His presence and much more.
The BSSM students learn in large group sessions, revival groups of 60-70 people, small groups of 5, and on their own. 
There are also classes entitled Advance Ministry Training. Here, students choose the subjects they are passionate about and called to train in; areas such as leading worship, children’s ministry, preaching, prophecy, intercession, intimacy with God, youth, and career ministry. .
Reading on your own time is expected and is a large part of our curriculum. There are approximately 2400 pages of mandatory reading throughout the year. That works out to 10 pages of reading everyday of the 240 days from beginning to graduation. That’s on top of 2-3 chapters of the Word daily. So plan on reading 30 – 60 minutes a day minimum.

Finances:(doesn't include housing, food, living expenses) 

Non-Refundable application fee:
$35 = 2,800/-
Includes 1-2 closed-circuit television conferences a year, textbooks and costs of city outreaches:
$4,200 = 336,000/-
Expenses not covered by tuition:
Cost of an optional mid-year missions trip

$0 - $3,500 = 280,000/-
International Students: A lot of information and support is given here

Sounds pretty good, huh?


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