Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Worship Night!

Our church had its monthly worship night this past Friday, I tell you, it was amazing! I got there at around 6:30, people were still grabbing coffee and refreshments, then we started with some prayer...we did the whole "pray for your neighbor" thing and I always, always get paired up with someone who prays better than me...you know the type of prayers that you just want to keep quiet and listen to because they sound so powerful? I should have told that guy he needed to join the intercessors team, he was really good. Anyway, yes I prayed too!

After that, we got into the worship part of the night. The band was AMAZING! The sound was really good. Most importantly though, you guys know I love worshiping and its always a different experience, this time was great because it just got to a point where I realized, it's not about me, it's all about Him. Whether I like the song currently playing or not or whether or not I like the person leading or not, whether or not people around me are sitting down and I want to kneel or jump up and down is irrelevant, at that moment, I just have to make Him my focus, praising Him, crying out for Him, dancing my butt off for Him, lol.

We learnt a couple of new songs, I'm gonna have to figure out a way I can upload sound to my blog, so that I can put up new songs I've learnt/am working on. That would be kinda fun for future generations.

Anyway, it was such an amazing night, I can't even tell you. Being with other people who are as passionate, or even more passionate as you are about God, is an amazing thing. There are some amazing people living in this world of ours, Church was full, arms were raised, tears were shed, there was an in-door competition of who could jump the highest, dance the hardest and sing the loudest. People were just lost in worship. LOVE!

You know the Kim Walker Smith song, "Open Up Heavens" where she goes, "open up heaven, we will party with the angels..." I'll put it up...

I've just been picturing that all weekend. Like, the Bible says, there's a party in heaven every time someone comes back to the Father. I can picture the angels being like "Bam! In our face!" or "Whoop! There he is!" every single time someone gets baptized or turns their life around. In revelations, it says, the heavenly beings spend eternity singing praises to God.

We're kinda lucky to have a taste of that here on earth. A chance to remind yourself, you are not alone, you're not the one in control and you can't carry the world on your shoulders.

That said, worship night was amazing, and I'm happy I finally got our car back and I got the chance to go. I am not alone, I am not in control and I don't have to carry the world on my shoulders.


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