Monday, May 21, 2012


My mom and I were talking about how I went in to donate blood a couple of weeks ago and got rejected because my blood (Hb) count was lower than the normal 14. This basically means I don't get enough iron and stuff in my diet. Anyway, my mom and I were arguing as to what the actual number was, she was like "it was 12.4!" and I was adamant that it was less than 12. I took out my phone and checked my Facebook, because I'd updated it that day, after my hospital visit and it turned out it was 12. What did we do before online journals?!

I love blogging because I can look back and see what I not only did at a particular time, but I also see pictures and see my train of thought. That's pretty cool.

The main reason I blog though, is because I read blogs, and other people's blogs have changed my life. After many random Google searches, I've stumbled upon many ordinary people like me, who wrote ordinary words about their lives and inspired me in one way or another.

For instance, reading this blog, long since abandoned, by an amazing girl chronicling her life at Bethel School of Worship, and she writes about an encounter she had with God and I love this. Like, burst into tears love this... 

“I asked Him if it hurt when the nails stabbed His skin
I felt a glimpse of wracking pain,
Made me grimace from within
Then with a smile He took it back
The memory His own
‘Oh, it hurt, but there is so much to know;
Torture worse than nails and pain beyond belief,
A future never knowing you, it would have always been to Me’”

How beautiful is that??? This girl simply wrote about a conversation she had with Jesus in a random moment and years later, it impacted me. That's what I hope from my blog. That one day, someone will live in the impact of my stuck-in-front-of-my-computer-typing-my-heart-out-because-I-can-do-nothing-more.

I'd especially love it if you'd hop on over to my Bent Reeds blog, click on the tab at the top of the page. I do posts here about little ways I'm growing in love with God here, but there its full on, the unabridged version. Also, for a little musical break, click on The Sound tab right up there for tons of my favorite videos and lyrics.



  1. Your blog is great and I love reading your posts. I am inspired by your dedication to God and I hope I can be like that.

    1. Thanks so much. I love that you're reading. Made my day!
