Monday, May 21, 2012

The Spirit Never Sleeps

I once heard, I think it was either Danny Silk or Kris Vallotton say, the spirit doesn't sleep and sometimes, God shows us something and we disregard it as a dream:

(Joel 2:28 [NET])
After all of this ​​​​​​I will pour out my Spirit on all kinds of people. ​​​​​​Your sons and daughters will prophesy. ​​​​​​Your elderly will have revelatory dreams; ​​​​​​your young men will see prophetic visions.

(Dan 7:1 [NET])
In the first year of King Belshazzar of Babylon, Daniel had a dream filled with visions while he was lying on his bed. Then he wrote down the dream in summary fashion.

I love hearing pastors speak. From a young age, actually since they started broadcasting Christian TV in my country, I’ve loved watching men and women of God speak and teach about the Bible. 

There’s something totally different though about God speaking directly to you.

A young student write once about encountering God in worship and her conversation went like this;

“I asked Him if it hurt when the nails stabbed His skin
I felt a glimpse of wracking pain,
Made me grimace from within
Then with a smile He took it back
The memory His own
‘Oh, it hurt, but there is so much to know;
Torture worse than nails and pain beyond belief,
A future never knowing you, it would have always been to Me’”

Over the past couple of months, (wow, almost 5 months) as I've been focussing on getting deeper in love with God and making Him my one desire, there have been plenty of times I've heard Him speak to me, with the Bible or through other people or through certain situations. There are also sweet random moments, when I'm praying and I sort of can gauge His reaction and what He'd say back, either through experience of what I've studied in the Bible and how it'd translate in that situation, or just something totally random.

I truly believe that sometimes, He does speak directly to us, but at the same time, our minds are incredibly, tricky I guess, and you really have to discern whether your speaking to yourself or really hearing something. Like Jenn Johnson said, you have to look at natural situations through the lens of His word. If a revelation doesn't conform to His word, its false.

Acts 17:11 "....for they eagerly received the message, examining the scriptures carefully every day to see if the things Paul and the others taught them were taught were true

So, I journal a lot on these instances, and this is one of them. One time during (private) worship, I was singing and then God asked me, "How much do you love me? How much do you want me? Why do you want me? I was just weeping, like "More than anything! I want you more than anything! Because your all I have, your all I want, you made me free, I come alive in you!" Then God says, "I love you Joanne. I love you Joanne. My blood is strong enough to break the chains of fear and regret holding you back, my heart will break the chains and you will be free to live. He also says, I am the source of your joy, I will provide, I am the source of your future and the script I'm writing for you is way better than anything any Hollywood guy ever your future to me."

This honestly still gets me a little teary, its what I needed to hear that day, and every day really, and this might be exactly what you need to hear today, and maybe you need to answer those 3 questions too.

Another thing that happened that I thought was kinda cool, was one time last week I was praying and I saw myself in this room with a lot of little round tables with vases of flowers on them. Like white daisies, only instead of the yellow center, they had purple centers, I don't know what those flowers are called. I knew for sure that God was in that room, I don't know how to explain it, if I felt it or I saw it, I was just something...and I knew 100%. It just got me thinking, our prayers to God from an open and honest heart (i.e. if your mad, be mad, if you're hormonal, be hormonal, if you've got questions, ask them...most importantly, be relational instead of being steeped in religion) Prayers from an open heart, just seeking to connect are like a fresh fragrance to God, and now that I think about it, His presence in that room, is kinda like saying, God inhabits the praises of His people and He's in the midst of our prayers.

Just thought I'd share some cool things that have happened of late, there are a bunch more, but lets just start from there. I wasn't really this type of person who believed all this stuff. I knew God was out there and that He loves us and wants to connect with us, but never literally! It's kinda crazy! But having only had a taste of it, I'm hooked, I want more! I'm still nervous, but I think my desire to actually experience something outweighs the nerves. We've got a worship night coming up this week, so hopefully, we'll see.

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