Sunday, May 13, 2012

Moms and Daughters

I have the best mom. I grew up in a loud house. My mom and sister and me are just loud. Not in an aggressive way or anything, as a matter of fact, when we're quiet, that's probably when the most cutting comments (or rude letters) can be made.

My mom gave me everything I ever needed as a kid, we weren't well off, and she struggled some times to give us everything, but she did. Luckily for me, I'm her "retirement baby" and by the time I was born, (almost 10 year age difference between my sister and I, and 13 years between my brother and I) they had their finances settled down and I didn't have to go through some of the struggles my siblings went through. That didn't mean she spoilt me though, I'm really sure I was "spanked" the most of all of us. I remember one time I came home after dark, I found her standing at our gate and all the kids in my neighborhood were whispering to me, "amekata kijiti" which translates to she found a stick/switch and I knew I was in for some major whoop a**

As I grew up, went to High School, she wrote me all the time, and loved on me and cared about me. I've never been kicked out of school because of fees, she never missed a visiting day or a parent-teacher meeting or a mid-term or closing-day pick up or drop off, she did my shopping and gave me a good allowance, obviously not as much as I'd have liked, but good enough for my needs.

In High School when I struggled to find my identity because there were plenty of times where I felt like I didn't belong, being so disconnected from everyone else (10 years between sisters is a long time!) and the little fact that while my brother and sister look like her, I take after my dad, she reassured me and she helped me.

In college, she let me move out, twice, paid my rent and each time it didn't work out, she didn't make me feel like a failure for ending up back home. She cooks and cleans and works full time.

When I went through that disastrous break up, she came up to my room, wiped the tears away and told me to buck-up, which is exactly what I needed. When I complain and worry about never falling in love, she always reminds me of God's perfect timing.

SHE HAS NEVER ONCE SAID "I TOLD YOU SO!" She's said a lot, but never that.

She can't fall asleep in the middle of the day because she'll feel like she's lazy, she's honest and tells it like it is not just to me but to my cousins and she is a 2nd mother to a lot of them. She's strict and in your face but she'll also give you time to realize your dumbness on your own.

She's strong and graceful and she's prayed out loud in her bed before sleep, and before getting out every single night and every single morning of my life. She reads her Bible daily. She trusts God.

She's strong and graceful and if it weren't for her, our family would have fallen apart after losing my dad.

She's there for everyone and gives to anybody who needs help.

Most recently, what I love is after we've had an argument, which is inevitable with our totally different personalities :-) and I stewed in my room all day, she came up to me, reached out to me and broke the silence.

I love her.

Happy Mothers Day!


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