Thursday, May 31, 2012

Friday Letters


Dear Self,
No matter how that paper went yesterday, I'm proud that you got up and did it and didn't give up.

Dear Family,
I love you guys and I miss my nephew Jeremy! Sweetest little boy!

Dear KCB,
What's the point of sending me bank statements when the only money left in that account is the money you charged me. How do you charge ledger fees on a student account anyway? Of course a student doesn't have 100,000?- if I did, I would have opened a proper account not a students account! Sorry but I'm a Co-op bank girl now.

Dear Future hubz,
I pray for you daily, that God's drawing you closer and closer to His heart and that we be that couple that has crazy fun and laughs together daily. I promise to love you and adore you always.

Dear blog readers,
I know your there, I see the stats, but I wish I had more followers. I follow you guys, please follow me back! :-)

Dear Future self,
Send me a sign or something of where you are so I can get there. I'm at a crossroads.

Dear Jenn Johnson, 
If I land a spot after my audition, you deserve a little credit. You are an amazing leader, teacher, inspiration, singer/songwriter and I pray for God to continually bless you and increase you you guys' ministry.

Dear God,
I really pray for you to help me open some doors and maybe kick in the doors that are a bit stuck as regards the whole future life Fridays thing. Need a job, money, where to live etc.

Dear Jesus,
I'm so in love with you, how awesome are you! Seriously, you rock! I picture you as having cool swag and just loving on people and pouring out your love all the time. You hold nothing back. I want to think about how each of my choices affect you.

Dear Holy Spirit, 

Lovingly Yours,


  1. Jo, you have such a great blog! I love all your letters. I especially love the passion you have for Jesus. I hope you are having a great day and weekend :)

    1. Thank you! Wasn't always like that but He makes it worth it :-) I just visited your blog and if you see Kenya blinking on your stats page, just know its me. I've been on the hunt for new recipes and I cant wait to try some of yours, tonight...guacamole! :-)

  2. aw wonderful letters! you seem to saturate your life in prayer and what a beautiful way to live! found you via the link up xo

  3. I love the letters. I too have a strong commitment to Christ! Check out my letters today. I am your newest follower =). I understand when people don't follow...annoying right?

    1. I've just been to you website...i love your pics, so cute! thanks for the follow, right back at you :-)

  4. thanks ashley! Thanks for the tip, I really get how that can happen, I've been known to carry my camera to the SUPERMARKET, to get pics for my blog! Luckily though, I didnt get up the nerve to take it out :-)
