Thursday, May 31, 2012

Life Group

Remember at my audition when I got asked whether I'm in a Life Group and I said yes? Technically it's true, but the lifegroup I did my Mizizi with last year, hasn't really been consistent, the only reason I said yes, is we were supposed to meet that Saturday after the audition...which ended up not happening, it started raining, there was mis-communication, I was stuck at my audition till a bit later than I expected etc. etc.

Anyway, I took it as a sign that I really need to get off my ass and find a permanent LG. You need an LG to do life! I called one of my friends, P, and she's been trying to get me to come to the LG for the group I did my 1st Mizizi with 3 years ago when I first started going to the York House (previous youth church at Mavuno)

I finally went on Sunday and dragged Mich along and it was amazing. Yaani! It's exactly what I pictured LG being. We talked about the sermon, and the lessons we got through the week. I can't wait for the next one. It was different from my other group because we're all in college, so we could kinda relate better with each other, and there was a set "agenda" kind of, of what we were going to discuss.

I'd really like to get my other group together, we started together so, it would be awesome if we could finish together, but in the meantime, I'm thankful for my "old" group. I really hope I stay committed and we continue growing.


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