Friday, June 1, 2012

Future Life Fridays - IHOPU-KC

Today we're looking at IHOPU-KC, that is, International House Of Prayer University in Kansas City.

On first glance, I'm not too sure about Kansas. Is that mid-west? Tornadoes?

Other than that, this is one of the best schools out there, next to BSSM. I think William Matthews went here. Anyway, down to the details:

1. Totally engaged in reviaval through prayer and worship
2. 24hour fully staffed prayer house
3. Incredibly active in ministry
4. Wide network
5. Student housing provided
6. Actual school as well as internships
7. Training in music as well as ministry

1. Pricey, aren't they all
2. Kansas, no sandy beaches, right? Weather?
3. No dating!

Anyway, here's some of their own words from the website:
If you long to encounter Jesus and to walk in the power of the Holy Spirit, to study in an environment of 24/7 worship-based prayer, to become grounded in the Word of God, and to prepare for a lifelong walk with God, IHOPU may be exactly the school you’re looking for. Learn about our schools of ministry, music, and media, and the IHOPU experience.

The entire IHOPU curriculum is governed by our commitment to the centrality of God’s Word as taught from a scholarly perspective, and the four core values of the IHOP–KC Missions Base (I-H-O-P):
I: Intercession—corporate intercession as God’s means of releasing revival in a geographic region
H: Holiness of heart—lives of radical obedience flowing out of intimacy with God
O: Offerings to the poor—commitment to a lifestyle of simplicity and extravagant giving to the poor
P: Prevailing faith—confidence in God’s promise to release the power of the Holy Spirit upon the Church

I love the part about living simply and giving extravagantly! Never thought about it that way.


IHOPU Schools

Cost of freshman year (both semesters). Other costs remain the same, excepting the one-time $1,000 administration fee ($500 for internship transfers). Allow for a $50 orientation fee for first-semester freshmen and transfers.

Ministry School

Music School

Media School

$4,500 = 382500/-


Administration fee

$1,000 = 85000/-


Activity fee*

$250 = 21250/-


Living expenses‡

$7,500 = 637500/-


Health insurance‡

$700 = 59500/-


Total, freshman year‡

$13,950 = 1185750/-



For remaining years, see the tuition per semester for sophomore, junior, and senior year

Ministry School: Cost per semester. Also allow for $50 orientation fee for first-semester freshmen and transfers.
Academic yearTuition

Activity fee*




$1,875 = 159375/-






Which brings down totals to 962625/- per year, after the first year.

Music School: Cost per semester. Also allow for $50 orientation fee for first-semester freshmen and transfers.
Academic yearTuition
Activity fee*
Freshman$2,750$125 $2,875
Senior$2,000$125 $2,125

It's still crazy and impossible looking at these numbers, but a girl can dream right?
Next week we'll look at Mavuno's Discovery program right here at home.


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