Thursday, March 8, 2012

Letter To My Teenage Kids Part 1

So, I recently wrote a letter to my niece just to sort of give her advice about teenage hood, and I thought it’d be cool if I blogged parts of it, so that hopefully if blogger is still here in like 20 years, my own teenage daughter can read this…

Hi. How are you? Hope you are doing fine. I just wanted to write you a letter so we could talk. I know it doesn’t seem like I care much about you, because we’ve never sat down and had those one on one conversations sisters have. I have to admit, I sort of distanced myself for you and I shouldn’t have done that. I truly apologize for that, and I hope we can start afresh.

I’m extremely close to my sister and I have to say, that’s helped me through my life and I hope I can do the same for you. I just want us to be able to talk freely and openly especially now during this time when in every teen’s life, you like, don’t feel like you can connect with your parents or family. So, I’ve put a self-addressed envelope in here and its solely for if you want to reply and talk, if you don’t its ok.

Let’s start by saying; you are an extremely smart girl. When you passed your KCPE everyone was so proud of you and I was telling my friends about it, and I know your parents were happy too. I remember my mum telling you, if anyone can change your family it’s you. Then you went to school, and saw all these girls who were from different backgrounds as you. I remember for myself, I didn’t know where to fit in. I’ve always been part of the popular crowd, since nursery even, but in High School, especially before I joined First Aid, I didn’t know if I was supposed to be in the popular-pretty crowd, or the popular-smart crowd, or the Christian crowd or what. One thing that I thank God I realized was that I was all those things, pretty, smart, Christian and I didn’t have to fit into anyone’s group to prove it. Honestly rolling with the Christian crowd in my school wasn’t all that, because I feel like I’m more into laid-back, rock-loving Christian and my school was speaking-in-tongues, holy-laughter Christians. The pretty girls were mean and the smart girls were too smart.

***Part 2 Tomorrow***

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