Monday, March 12, 2012

Prayer Request

We interrupt normal scheduling to bring you this special report...o.k just kidding. Seriously though, i'm freaking out over my eye. My eyes are usually black (brown when the sun hits them just right :-) ) But, my right eye is kinda turning brown at the bottom kind of like I'm wearing a contact lens that out of place. Everyone I show it too is like, "go to the hospital"

So today I went to the clinic where I got my glasses, and even there the girl was like "Go to the hospital" so I am thoroughly freaked out. I'm avoiding the temptation to check out Dr.Google because I don't want to fill my head up with that stuff and freak out even more.

I want to fill my head up with thoughts of how I am God's child, and He has all the best in store for me.

In other news, I signed up for Worship Team and volunteering at our Teens Church. Wow, our teens church has some really talented and special kids. I heard singing and rapping like I've never heard before. It was great.

Still waiting to hear back about the worship team.

Oh and I'm starting a Prayer Class next week called Ombi.

That's it for updates. Please pray for me. I'm sure we'll hear a great report from God.

I'm going to leave you with this passage from the Bethel Church, Redding Website. You all know how much I love Jesus Culture and Bethel Church is their home and I kinda think I love Bethel Church more. Their vision, their connection and acclamation of the power of the Holy Spirit. I feel kinda short-changed sometimes that most of our teaching is intellectual, rather than spiritual but I think that Bethel was placed in y life to fill that gap for me. So, I read a lot of testimonies from their blog so I figured the best way to start praying for myself was to start there. This is what they have to say and please check out their website.

"At Bethel, we believe that God’s will is always "Life and Life More Abundantly." We believe that God is always Good, and it is always His will to heal. Healing is more about His Goodness and Grace and the price Jesus paid than it is about our performance. As you prepare for your visit to Bethel, we encourage you to prepare your heart to receive from Him by meditating on His Goodness. He gives us great and precious promises in the scriptures regarding health, healing, wholeness, and experiencing His Righteousness, Peace and Joy. We encourage you to read and declare those promises of God over yourself, thanking and praising Him for them. It is often beneficial to personalize His promises, speaking them in the first person between yourself and God. Here is an example from Psalm 103:
"I will bless You Lord with all my soul and not forget Your many Benefits. You forgive ALL my iniquities and You heal ALL my diseases. You redeem my life from destruction and crown me with Loving Kindness and Tender Mercies; You satisfy my mouth with Good Things so that my youth is renewed like the eagle’s."
And from Isaiah 53:4,5:
"Surely You have born my grief, and carried my sorrows ... But You were wounded for my transgressions, You were bruised for my iniquities; the punishment that brought me peace was placed upon You, and by Your wounds I am healed."
Matthew 8:17 quotes the same verse from Isaiah with these words:
"... You Yourself took my infirmities and bore my sicknesses...."

In Jesus Name! Amen :-)


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