Sunday, March 4, 2012

On A Mission

Today at Church, we learnt how, we usually jump through jobs, and relationships and even churches because we don't know who we are or what we stand for. Pastor Linda actually said, "we meander through life and end up with regrets because we don't know what we really are about."

If anyone rides the regret roller-coaster, its definitely ME! It's a bad habit that I'm trying to kick, but I'm also not blind to the fact that I have made choices that I regret about not taking advantage of some opportunities, not hunting other opportunities down and just all those other mistakes I made because I was focused on the wrong things.

We read Exodus 3:16-22 and it tells us how we're called to "travel the world and worship" (OK, that was my interpretation! LOL) But she said, we exist to do two things

  1. To enter into a relationship with God (Worship)
  2. To tell the world about Him through our lives (Witness)

For the Israelites (and for me) a couple of things stand in the way of that:

  1. A defeated Spirit - Slavery felt like their portion in life
  2. Convenience - Better the devil you know than the angel you don't...
  3. External Resistance - Pharaoh wanted them to stay right where they were and continue serving him

But, what would have happened if the Israelites let these obstacles get to them? If we choose to stick with the status quo of the familiar, we too stand to miss out on the big things that God has in store for us!

So, to quote Pastor L:

"Life is not about a good existence, it’s about being what God is calling us to be. If we fail to see a mission beyond serving our own needs, we fail – we don’t understand what God called the church to do. Church is a mission organization. Compared with the natural body and what the different body parts do, the body of Christ also has parts that serve different missions. Are you part of this mission or not? We are a mission organization. If you are complaining and griping, the problem is you. Other churches all exist to accomplish a specific mission

This Is Not A Club, We’re On A Mission!

Mavuno is not here to make you comfortable. The mission of Mavuno is – "Turning Ordinary People Into Fearless Influencers Of Society!" Here at Mavuno we will push you to get so uncomfortable that you do something about your world’s situation. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to be the fearless influencer that God intended for you to be!

Ok, so given this does this apply to my life. First off, I don't know if I've ever told anyone this, but my first C.R.E class in High School was pretty emotional, I don't remember but I think the teacher asked us to share stories and one girl's story was so sad that when it was my turn to speak, I talked and talked and said "I want to be a Pastor" and it was such a crazy experience I don't even know how I ended up saying that and I was SOOOO embarrassed and had to carry that label for a few months...

Years later, I'm in college and I ended up changing my major to Marketing because after my internship I discovered I'm good, great at Customer Relations and I have a passion for it.That's my career choice, because every Kenyan knows, your parents didn't pay 12 years of school so you end up without a career.

But I'm finding myself drawn or and more to Ministry. I want to give people hope and encouragement.I want to teach relevant messages the way I was taught. I want to help a kid avoid the same mistakes I made. My dream is to host HUGE youth conferences like Greg Laurie or Ron Luce and tour around the city bringing relevant speakers, showcase great dramatic talent and great worship music not just entertainment music. Does that mean I should take up youth ministry?

I also write songs and I think I'm a pretty decent singer. I want to lead worship like Kim Walker-Smith and Chris Quilala from Jesus Culture. I want my conferences to have a huge band devoted to making great worship music, high quality global worship music. Let the world add our songs to their worship play-lists. Does that mean I should take up Worship?


I blog. I tweet. I try my best to form Social Network what is that?

I love kids. I want a family. I want to be an awesome, encouraging wife and a great mom. And I see myself as a "leave and cleave-doing anything for my hubby" kind of person. Like, is his work in a different city? "Yeah, hun, let's go." I mean, that's my family! So, how does that work, being a wife and mom and being this person living her life?

I'm definitely one of those confused people not in the sense of not knowing what to do, but not knowing what to choose and how this thing works. Hope I get some clarity on that as the series progresses.

xo Jo

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