Saturday, March 3, 2012

Trust In A Wonderful Maker

On Raha and Life I always talk about how committing to God made such a huge difference in my life and how it’s a daily commitment, mostly because I have such a fear of losing my freedom that he gave me. I can’t lose Christ. That’s just where I’m at right now. I’ve done a great job at trying, like I gave up praying and reading the Bible for the past couple of weeks, so in terms of a daily active relationship, I’ve totally failed. Despite all that, He kept me strong in situations that I wouldn’t have survived in otherwise. But today, I want to stand and say, I’m recommitting, making God my top focus. I know this is totally corny and I don’t even know if I mean it like from the bottom of my heart or whatever, but, that’s just what I’m feeling, and the best I can do is start from where I am.

Today I want to look at two songs, one is called Trust in You by Jeremy Camp, and the other is Wonderful Maker also by Jeremy Camp, from the album, “Carried Me: The Worship Project” First of all I love this album, it’s like total 100% worship, and 100% rock. Nothing better…at least not to me! This is the type of music I love…I mean yeah I also love the songs that aren’t in your face and that make you think, like Switchfoot, but there’s something about just raw worship, it’s a different type of passion in the vocals and instruments. Another thing I love is the deliberate attempts at bringing all the elements together. This is my album of the week, especially now with what I’m going through and the changes I want to effect. What I also love about the album, it’s about our relationship with an unseen God, and walking by faith. It acknowledges the pain that we go through as Christians and how hard it gets at times when things don’t go how we’d expect them to. It’s not all, like some happy yuppie, Christian life is perfect, it’s honest music from an open heart and surrendered spirit, and that’s what I love most about Jeremy Camp, he’s gone through a lot personally in his life and because he’s still standing, you know God heard him, same way He’ll hear us. This is one album, you all have to get. It’s a perfect play-in-the-car-driving-to-church album. Here’s a bit of the lyrics…
Trust In You
When I can't see You I know You're there, when I can't feel You I will not fear, I will trust in You and I will not be afraid.
When the battle is close at hand, You're with me and help me stand, I will trust in You and I will not be afraid.
When the darkness is close at hand and I'm running against the wind, I will trust in you and I will not be afraid.
When I'm standing upon that shore, all the battles I've gone before, I will trust in you, and I will not be afraid.

Wonderful Maker is just an all-out worship song,
What a wonderful maker
What a wonderful Savior
How majestic are your whispers
And how humble your love
With a strength like no other
And the heart of a father
How majestic are your whispers
What a wonderful God

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