Wednesday, March 2, 2011

My "Create" Application

I'm sitting here in my new little flat/bedsitter, drinking yogurt out of a wine glass that's more of a champagne flute, or somewhere in between, because everything tastes better out of a "wine flute" hahaha, watching Fareed's "Comedy Club Live" on Mnet, and my feet soaking in hot water. I simply cannot think of what would make this day better. I'm totally living the good life at this very second.

I'm finally all moved in, just a couple of things left here and there. I love this house. It's mine. Aaaah!

So, Pastor M just finished the series on Create and this was my Create solution. I mean, the Sunday he preached about how we should look at the systems in place, I was totally worn out from commuting 5 hours every day going to school and I was on the brink of a breakdown, trying to jeep up with classes and studying. Monday morning I realized, why aren't I taking advantage of the system in place, which is off-campus housing.

I can say it was really a message from God, because, I didn't struggle at all. My mom didn't put up too much of a fight and she ended up supporting me. The building I wanted and the house I wanted were all available. The move itself I can say was a lot easier than I thought it would be, I mean it was expensive as heck and it took three trips to move all my stuff in, but otherwise it was good, mostly because my boy BFF did all the heavy lifting. Oh and my aunt gave me a TV for free.

I went shopping for some stuff on Sunday with one of the girls from my Mizizi class and my girl BFF which was tons of fun.

So this is my first day here and I'm loving it so far.

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