Friday, March 18, 2011


So, today, with the exception of a couple of episodes of Modern Family, I have watched absolutely no t.v. I'd forgotten how amazing it is to simplify! I feel amazing, and recharged, and you know what, I've made a big decision.

Fasting, has been my biggest weakness in Christianity. Bigger than prayer, which I'm not all that good at, and bigger than reading my Bible, which I am also not that good at.

Excuses Reasons are, in High School and even now at times, I struggled with my weight, and developed a bit of anorexia. I used to binge and starve, and binge and starve, until I got stomach problems, long story later, I'm pretty much used to not eating. So when it came to fasting, not eating, it ended up being the same thing as High School where I'd starve all day, and binge once the fasting hours were over, which brought back the old stomach problems and roused the anger of my over-protective mom. Plus, it didn't really make me feel closer to God.

Yesterday however, with the power outage, I spent more time with God, and prayed more, and felt more connected than I have for the last couple of months.

So my big decision is that I'll be fasting from all things electronic and media. Apart from receiving phone calls and texts, and doing assignments, I won't use any gadget, no t.v, no DVD's, no computer, no PlayStation, no music, no Facebook, no twitter, no blogger. Nothing.

I think that'll work with me, as I work toward the food fasts I mean.

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