Wednesday, March 9, 2011


So, the last few weeks have been a bit of a whirlwind. Moving out and getting that done and all sorts of other stuff and I haven't stopped to breathe for a long while.

Can I just say, today I woke up and read this Bible verse, neither depth nor height nor bla bla bla all that stuff can separate us from the love of God. I've always been of the school of thought that God's goodness and providence has always been reserved for "those" people, because, as you know I've had a million prayers unanswered. This week, and for the past few weeks however, some stuff happened like, me feeling guilty when I don't pray or, not being able to miss Church or my Mizizi class even when I absolutely don't feel it, or a bunch of other stuff like that.

Point in case, this past Tuesday, I was in a horrible mood, more on that later, but I totally, absolutely didn't want to go for my class. So, I said...God, if there's traffic, I can't go. Well, there was absolutely no traffic. On Thika Road, Jogoo Road and Mombasa Road at 5-6 p.m which is like the thick of Rush Hour. To add on to that, one of my closest friends from my class just happened to call me somewhere in the middle of that and asked me where I was, and I couldn't lie and say "I'm sick" so I just had to go.

Yes, God's been good to me. Me being good to God, that's another story. I mean maybe in some aspects I've tried but mostly, if God and I were dating, I've been a pretty bad girlfriend. Like I said, not praying as often or as openly as I should, not reading the Bible as often as I should, holding all sorts of grudges, taking God on guilt trips from here to the moon, not blogging as often as I get the idea.

I'm going through my past posts and I'm trying to get back to how it was then. I think it's working, I mean I'm here aren't I? Hahaha.

Love and Blessings


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