Monday, March 28, 2011

Mavuno Favorites

I landed in Mavuno almost 3 years ago. I finally accepted that I needed to change my life 2 years later which is a few weeks ago, because, yeah, sometimes I'm slow like that :-) l.o.l. Now I realize how lucky I am to have found a home for my heart here.
The Bible is taught in a way that I can understand and that's relevant to me, more than that I've been challenged to read the Bible and formulate ideas for myself. For the first time ever, it's actually working.

One of the things I love most is the sermons, how they're structured and how they're delivered, they're Bible-based and educative and stuff that you can go outside 10 minutes after church and apply, (o.k except for when they say something like, don't bribe a traffic cop, I don't know about the rest of you but when faced between paying a cop a couple of hundreds of shillings or spending the weekend in a Kenyan jail cell waiting for Monday morning to go to a Kenyan court, I don't think I would pick the Christian option) Just being real here! Hehehe :-)

It's not "in your face", not that there's anything wrong with that, but I just had a couple of bad experiences with preachy, over-zealous pastors.

Like, one time in High School, a pastor came to preach at school for the Sunday Service. He called out my roommate for whispering to her friend and told her to "shut up, God is watching her" and later in the alter call, he practically scared everyone into going to the front with threats of curses, hellfire and brimstone, then the worst part was when he said the wind of the holy spirit is coming and he started blowing into the microphone to make it sound like wind. I still laugh when I think about that and how freaked I was as a 13 year old who'd never seen anything like that :-D

I don't want to sound like I'm judging the guy, but I still don't know if he was for real and that experience and many like that just destroyed my view of Church and scarred me a bit :-) Here's the thing though, people have different personalities and some people go to a pastor like that and feel amazing afterwards, other's can't imagine not having the structure and control like in catholic churches, me, I like a young, dynamic/fun, teaching that's in a thought provoking, challenging, real, need-for-action, more-relevant-to-my-personality kind of environment.

Now, there are some sermons I love, and I'd love to share them with everyone, so here are some notes and links to my favorite ones. Also, head over to the website to watch/listen to/download other great ones!

Thanks for reading, you made my day!

Who Are Your Friends?: Pastor Muriithi

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