Friday, March 18, 2011

What To Do

I'm feeling a little bit like an unfaithful wife, or a neglectful least I feel a bit like I'd expect those type of people to feel. Honestly I have no logical reason why I haven't been blogging as much as I used to. No excuses, I've just been lazy, in more ways than one. Sadly, also, all the gains in self-discovery I had made, have flown out the door...

Yes, I still do my Mizizi, and Bible things, but not that much, mostly, just when I remember, but, all the other cool stuff I used to do, like...umm, I can't think of any right now but you know I'm a pretty cool gal, anyway all those things I did to mae me feel strong and untouchable, are gone.

Especially on Tuesday, when I was forced to tears by a rude comment, my doctor had made. Can I just say first, that this doctor is a bit of an...he's just know what, he's just not a nice person. He's the only specialist in that field, in a public hospital, so he feels a bit like he's God's gift to mankind, in the worst way. He's worked there for 15 years, he's never taught anyone his skill, probably from his deep seated need to feel needed, and a huge chunk of insecurity, basically, you can tell, I just don't like the guy. Yes, I tried praying for him. I had an appointment with him on Monday, and I got to the hospital at around 8, 9 came and went, so did 9, 10 and 11, at  12, his intern calls me and says that the doctor is probably not coming and that I can continue to wait or come back the next day. So, that day I was full of grace and forgiveness and prayers and humbly came I on the next day,where he was a complete...well  he was rude. He wanted to leave my treatment half way, I basically had to convince him and tell him, HOW TO DO HIS JOB, and offer me the service I'VE BEEN PAYING FOR!!!

I mean, what the heck? Right?

So, the obvious thing would be to report him, but then what, like he knows, he's the only specialist, though his skills are wanting, and if he leaves, I'd be stuck, so what does a Christian do in a situation like this? Blog, hehehe, yeah, this has blown off a little steam. But, really, what does a Christian do in a situation like this?

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