Friday, June 8, 2012

Future Life Fridays: Mavuno Church - Discovery Internship Program

Today we're looking at my church's (Mavuno) internship program called Discovery.

Lets jump straight to the pros and cons.

1. It's at home and it my home church!
2. Free, except for living expenses and mission trips
3. Mavuno has a large network f Churches and still growing and I could be a part of that
4. I'm already kinda bought into the vision of Mavuno, this church will change the world, how could I not want to be a part of that?!

1. Not technically a "teaching" environment, more emphasis is placed on learning by service not by class-room teaching
2. Deadline for January intake is 30th September and deadline for August intake is 30th May; I wont have my certificate of completion from college until January, so I'll miss the January intake, then what will I do between January and August before the next intake? This could also be a pro because I can apply for a corporate internship/job and get my feet wet?
3. It's a little bit different from what I'm looking for, but its my best option here, next to going to seminary which is not possible for me at this stage.

I'm not sure if choosing the "safe option" will grow me or challenge my faith, but this is a pretty great option.

Lets see what they say on their website...

Within us all is the longing to be great… the longing to make our lives count for something that really matters. The qualities that are common to all great people are:
  • Character:  Live according to a set of values no matter what the cost
  • Competence: The ability to do the job at hand to the highest standard
  • Chemistry: Passionate about people and a cause that is bigger than themselves
Discovery provides the environment where you can develop these qualities so you become the leader that God created you to be.

During the year of Discovery you will be assigned to one of our locations and given responsibilities; you will attend classes on various topics and interact with a dynamic team of volunteers.  After Discovery many have gone on to pursue vocations in church, others in the corporate sector while others have gone on to advanced studies in various fields.

How does Discovery work?
Mavuno Church exists to turn ordinary people into fearless influencers of society. Discovery provides the right mix of elements in this process:
Environment - A focus on creative and innovative experiences geared at transformation rather than information.
- Training that will impart you with the knowledge, skills and attitude you need to become a fearless influencer.
- Stretching assignments to help you learn the practical aspects of leadership
- Interaction with many types of leaders who are models in a specific aspect of personal life and service. 
- Honest feedback over time to enable you to learn from your experiences, training and relationships.

Mavuno is one church in many locations (Belle Vue Campus, Mavuno Downtown,  Mashariki in Eastlands and Mavuno in Kampala). The emphasis of Mavuno Church has been on being a loving community that shares the life-changing message of Jesus in ways that are relevant, practical and meaningful to succeeding generations. The vision is to plant a culture influencing church in every city of Africa and the gateway cities of the world.

As an Intern you will:
  • Interact at close range with leaders who are models
  • Discover your purpose, gifts and calling as you serve others
  • Develop a network of relationships that you need to succeed in life
  • Sharpen your leadership and management skills
  • Make an eternal difference in the lives of others
  • Have lots of fun!
Discovery will launch you on to your path to greatness!

Sounds pretty good huh?


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