Monday, June 11, 2012

You Know Me by Bethel Music feat Steffany Frizzell

Still listening to my Loft Sessions CD from Bethel Music. Seriously, I will forgive you if you leave my page and go buy it right now. It'll bless your socks off!

To be honest, sometimes the fact that God was above me, watching every move kind of freaked me out. Think about it, it's like:
a) He was a puppet master and purposefully put people in my way to annoy me
b) He was watching a movie and thinking, "Ha, come look at what the human is doing now"
c) He was the great record keeper in the sky, gathering evidence and writing all my mistakes in a little notebook

However, I'm getting to know God. Diving into His word and listening to people talking and how they live their lives; seeing love in action and actually just experiencing God and getting to know Him through worship and praying and stuff.

Here's a couple of things I learnt that blew my policeman-in-the-sky theory out of the water

(Hosea 2:19 [NET])
​​​​​​​I will commit myself to you forever; ​​​​​​I will commit myself to you in righteousness and justice, ​​​​​​in steadfast love and tender compassion.

(Psalm 103:8 [NET])
​​​​​​​The LORD is compassionate and merciful; ​​​​​​he is patient and demonstrates great loyal love.

(Psalm 103:12 [NET)
​​​​​​​As far as the eastern horizon is from the west, ​​​​​​so he removes the guilt of our rebellious actions from us.

The fact that God knows us isn't a noose around our necks, it's actually, if you think about it, a pretty great thing. He knows what I can and cannot handle, he knows how to mend my broken heart, He knows how to make me happy.

This song moves me to tears. First of all the message of the song, like I said is great and second, Steffany Frizzell's voice in this is Ah-Mazing!

For your listening pleasure,

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