Sunday, February 13, 2011

Hiking at Ngong' Hills

So, one of the reasons I started writing this blog was to make me get out of bed and in front of the t.v and get outside and live life to give you guys and myself a bit of entertainment and to make sure I GOT A LIFE. I think I've done pretty good with that resolution, joining Mizizi, going to Worship Night....O.K that list was a lot longer in my head hehehehe, but anyway point is, that I do feel like I'm enjoying life a bit more and my life isn't about what the latest DVD or Series on t.v is.

Latest in my "new life of adventure" was going to climb Ngong' Hills with some people from my school, I had my camera along, to catch the views as usual since, I'm a landscape kind of person. The only bad part of the day was that the weather was so, no, SOOOO hot! The grass was dry, so it wasn't all nice and green and pretty like I would have wanted, and since there were so many of us, we decided not to drive up because we couldn't all fit in one car so we only really got to climb one hill, not the seven (?) that are there...yeah, I think there are 7. Another thing that sucked, is that some of the guys were drinking and I don't like how rowdy or  sick some people can get when they're drunk, but we mostly stayed out of their way, and still had fun.

Now, as much as I think I'm an outdoorsy person, I've never hated walking as much as I did then. My body is still aching!!!! But, I would do it again, anytime, preferably after it's rained a little so that the grass is a bit greener, and maybe with a different group of people. It was a lot of fun.

So the afternoon started off with lunch at a dingy little hole in the wall...and I don't mean "hole-in-the-wall" like some cozy little Manhattan jazz club, I mean, literally a hole in the wall. I could've taken pictures but I was afraid I would be beaten up by the owner. The white stuff is Ugali, with Spinach and 1/2 a k.g of fried meat stew all for sh.120 or about $1.25 how crazy is that! In a "normal" restaurant, all that could be like sh. 300-500 and a much smaller serving. It tasted nice and my stomach's doing fine, so the food was good :-)  Anyone want the recipe? :-)

That's how Ngong' looked from way up here.

Some of the other hills, how amazing does that look, and how much prettier that will look in March after it rains

 Am I corny for thinking, how amazing God is for creating stuff like this? Not just the cow, but the hills :-)

 This is what the day was about, friendship and bonding. I love this pic

Feeling like I was on top of the world

Well, some more pictures are up on my Facebook page, don't worry, the rest aren't all landscape-y, it's just a bunch of fun people and friends from our trip. When you're over there, I'd love it if you could hit that Like button and follow me :-)

Yeah, was kind of debating whether to put a picture of me up here, but I decided against it, fan your imaginations a little :-D

Happy Travels

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