Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The Official End

You all know about, "my first boyfriend". Things ended pretty badly with him and as much as I'm over it, it came to my attention during my Mizizi class and doing all this Church stuff that I was still carrying a lot of baggage from him. I've always known that in the back of my mind, but I was always like, Scarlett O'Hara in Gone With The Wind, saying "I won't think of that right now, I'll think about it tomorrow"

Well seeing as this is the month of love, I decided it would be as good a time as any, to get a fresh start in the love department, so yesterday, I woke up and wrote him an email. Basically airing things out and just trying to end things on a civilized note and once and for all. It was time to let go of that lingering thought, that we would get back together, you know. Let go of everything completely.

Well, this morning he texted me back, apologizing and hoping we could still be friends. It was a tiny gesture, but it does mean a lot. Not even the part where he apologized but the fact that I was able to let that go. It's still hard and it's still a process, but I'm feeling like I'm at the light end of that long tunnel.

So, even for you guys, it's a good thing closing some doors completely. The stuff that happened in your past, leave them in the past. Don't hold yourself back or weigh yourself down with unnecessary baggage of bitterness or anger or resentment. Trust me, it's a refreshing thing to let it go.

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