Sunday, February 13, 2011

Guest Post on Wide Open Spaces

The day I've been waiting for all week is finally here, my guest post on one of my most favorite blogs, Wide Open Spaces. 

Please allow me to say, YAAAAAAAYYYYY!!!!!!! Hahaha :-)

I've read Jordan's blog from before I started writing, because she's funny and down-to-earth, and real. If she was in Nairobi, she'd definitely be coming to Mavuno.

When I saw her asking if anyone wanted to guest post, I jumped at the shot, although I have to admit I was nervous and couldn't think of what to write about, coupled with my internet provider who decided to give me some added stress the last couple of weeks, oh plus the fact that it's a Valentine's themed post and I'm *ahem* single. But, I got over all that and tried to do something. Pastor M, I did not VENT.... I INVENTED! :-)

So please click here and head on over and read my post and check some of her stuff out too. She has an amazing blog design and she designs blogs too, so plenty of nice stuff to check out.

In the off-chance that the links don't work, it's

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