Wednesday, February 9, 2011

It's Not About Who You Have Around You

Today I read:

  • Exodus 29:1-30:10
  • Matthew 26:14-46
  • Psalm 31:19-24
  • Proverbs 8:14-26
Photo Credit: Mavuno Website

I was so struck by how real and human Jesus was at this point. He was seriously freaking out and scared knowing what was coming. It was probably the hardest part of His life, and He even prayed for God to take the cup away, but His prayer solidifies what I said in the morning. Jesus didn't pray, "God, take away this cup of suffering from me, or I'll never forgive You, and I'll never speak to You again." Like I would have done, instead He focussed on His relationship with God, recognizing Him as His father, the author of everything, and God as Potter and Him as clay. He says, " "My Father, if this cup of suffering cannot be taken away unless I drink it, your will be done."

I used to think that if I said "Let your will be done" at the end of every prayer, then it would be like I didn't have faith in what I was praying, you know what I'm saying, because all these "experts" tell us, you have to ask for what you want and believe it with all your heart then you'll get it. I'm not saying that's not entirely true, but, God will always focus more on your heart, on the building of a friendship and relationship, than our shopping-wish list. If he doesn't give you what you ask for, will you still be buddies with Him?

Even on a human level, I get absolutely annoyed by those people who don't talk to you for ages, then out of the blue get in touch when they need something from you. I am one of those people, but that's another story, the point is, that's not how friendships or relationships are built. It's about being there in boring times and fun times, in success and in failure, in sickness and in health, in laughter and tears, through all the fights and fears, it's basically just being there. He's there for us, would we be there for Him?

Another way that He was so human was that he had friends who kinda let Him down when He most needed them. Don't we all go through that though. I've come to realize, sometimes it's not just about who you have around you, it's about who you have above you. The people around you may be amazing and full of the best intentions, like Peter, vehemently declaring he would never deny Jesus and he would even die with Him if that's what it came to. However, life happens.

Matthew 26:40_41  Then he returned to the three disciples and found them asleep; and he said to Peter, "How is it that you three were not able to keep watch with me for even one hour? Keep watch and pray that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak." 

A few hours after saying he would die with Jesus, Peter couldn't even do something 10 times simpler like stay awake! Afterwards, he did end up denying Jesus because he was afraid of death. Peter wasn't a bad guy, just like our friends (or even us) aren't bad people, sometimes stuff just happens. The one thing we can always rely on though, is God.


Photo Credit: Mavuno Website

From the reading today, I was totally encouraged to participate in Church...not just in attendance. I love my church because of the people, the ushers smiling and saying hi, and the worship team being so fun and exciting and everyone else. So, it's just logical that I participate and give another person the same experience I get every Sunday. So, hopefully, I'll figure that out as time goes on.

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