Thursday, February 24, 2011

First Apartment

So, this little girl is growing up and next week I'll be a house-owning, bill-paying, solo-living, adult-becoming citizen. How crazy is that?

This will actually be my second time moving out. My first place was great. It was huge! It was close to ammenities, it was in a gated estate, just perfect. Until, the landlady decided to expand her business and build new units, thus begun the power-cuts, the water rationing, the smelly mess when the sewer system was being set up, the construction crew at my door every morning before I got up, the crew being able to look into my bathroom when they were constructing the top floors. Then came me, tucking my tail between my legs and heading back home, defeated by the real world.

But this, this is my second chance. Sure this place may not be as big as my last place. Sure it may not be in a nice gated community, sure it may entail a 15 minute walk through deserted land (which means, no late nights for me! hehe), but it's my place. I pay the bills, so they can't limit my electricity like they did at the last place where I couldn't even plug in my computer without it blowing a fuse. Plus, now I have the experience to learn from. Oh, and there's free satellite TV, so Yay me!

Other stuff that's different, is that the last time, I was moving because my friends, were pressuring me. This time, I'm doing it for me. Last time, it was right after my dad died, so I was running away from home in a way, not to face it, but this time, I think I'm a bit more settled. This time, I also have my mom's blessing to do it.

This place is going to be different. I'm going to make it feel like home, like completely, from getting a carpet, to nice drapery, to window treatments, the whole nine yards! I'm even doing research online. I can't wait. And, hey, new stuff to blog about.

Pictures soon!

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