Saturday, November 12, 2011

The Big Bright Future

Since recently, I've been getting a little panicky about the future. Like if I'll get a good job, if I'll be rich or middle income, if I'll have this house of my dreams, if I'll have a great husband and family, if I'll be a good wife and mom, if my kids will have everything they want.

I guess it's because I have in 3 semesters I will officially be kicked out of my momma's nest and be on my own. It's like the money I make for my job will be for my survival and not for saving and shopping :-) Don't get me wrong, I still make money and I like to think I'm responsible with it, and I have a little bit of a firm grasp on reality, but it's nice to know that I have a soft place to land if things don't work out.

Also, I have this desire to have not only an awesome job, but to also do something on the side that'll bring me money and that I'm totally passionate about. I don't think it's realistic to rely on being employed in the long run, a side haussle is important too.

There are honestly so many things to know and so many decisions to be made, and I want to sort everything out one at a time, because I know if IU wait till then I'll be overwhelmed. Honestly, I have no idea how people get through life without believing in God, because I cannot live with this anxiety of my life being in my hands. I could honestly go crazy.

How did you guys find the transition from being sheltered college kid to total independence?


Wednesday, November 9, 2011


Have you guys heard of MyMemories? I seriously cannot get enough of this. I'm not really the artsy, creative types, but this  makes it a lot easier. I don't usually put up pics of mine on the blog, but this is seriously changing my mind, so all next week I'm going to be putting up random pics in my scrapbooks so you guys see what I'm talking about.

All I needed was 10 minutes.

1. Choose an embellishment or paper
2. You can start with a blank page, but like I said, I'm not really artsy so I went with a template
3. Add your pictures, and voila! All done.

You can see some creations here

So, two things I'm going to do thanks to the lovely people at My Memories

As a special for all of my special readers, I'm giving you a Share the Memories code that provides a $10 discount off the purchase of the My Memories Suite Scrapbook software and a $10 coupon for the store - $20 value!) All you have to do is click this link HERE or ( enter the code below

What's a giveaway post, without a giveaway??? In addition to the discount you could get with the code above, I'm also giving a lucky winner a free download of  the My Memories Suite, so you could keep adding pictures to your scrap books and making new scrap books for every major and minor photo sesh you have. 
All you have to do is:
1.  Go to the My Memories site and choose their favorite digital paper pack or layout. 
2.  Leave a comment on my blog telling me which ones you like.
3.  For extra chances to win, follow MyMemories on Facebook, Twitter or their blog and let me know on a separate comment. 
4. Follow me on twitter, that's @MissRaha or like my Facebook Page, or follow my blog, again let me know on a separate comment.

Have Fun!!


Tuesday, November 8, 2011

The T-Word

I'm a research girl. Like, if I have a problem, I will Google and read the hell out of it. So, lately I've been reading a lot about trust. Love and sweetness is all good in a relationship, but definitely trust is the backbone of any relationship.

So, here are some tips I found about building trust in a relationship

1. Be truthful, don't lie about the small stuff, it adds up

2. Be reliable, let your actions match your words

3. Set boundaries

4. Be trusting, innocent until proven guilty

5. Be fair, don't be imposing, jealous or naggy

6. Be trustworthy, treat your lovvah (hehehe) like you would want to be treated

7. Be calm, be a rock that can be leaned on

8.Talk about everything

Most importantly,


Team Player

I will be the first to admit, I was not a team player. I felt I had valid reasons. I could work faster alone, I didn;t have to compromise or take direction, I could just be. I hate that version of myself, honestly, I doin;t know how people could stand me then. I was proud and arrogant.
Right now, I'm proud to say I am a team player. It's simply a matter of realizing confidence doesn't relate to arrigance. There are two mistakes people make when it comes to being in a team. 

One is, thinking you're always right and not wanting to listen to the opinions of others. When this happens, you just have to take a minute and consider someone's plan or perspective and not jump down their throat. This was me, like if we had group discussions for an assignment, I would skip the meetings and email work that I'd done single-handedly.

Two is, not putting yourself out there enough because you feel like your ideas will be shot down. This is also me at points. The best way to handle this, is to come heavily prepared, if you truly believe something should be done in a certain way to be successful, present, defend and do it.

I think those are the biggest lessons I've learnt this week.
Any suggestions?

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

College Pancakes

Hey Guys,
Yesterday I saw some pancakes on TV and had a crazy craving, only thing is I only had flour in my little pantry. No eggs, no milk, nothing else that ordinarily goes into pancakes. So, I headed to the shops to buy some baking powder/soda (don't ask me why I didn't just buy milk and eggs as well)

Anyway, as a college student living in a tiny apartment with no fridge and little disposable income, I'm on the search to find ways to make home-cooked classics on the cheap, and with ingredients that will keep relatively well, fridgeless. Introducing my first in this line of recipes.....

  • 1 Cup White Baking Flour
  • ¾ Cup Water
  • 3 Tablespoons Sugar
  • ½ Teaspoon Baking Soda
  • 2 Teaspoons Baking Powder
  • ¼ Teaspoon Salt
  • 1 ½ Tablespoons Margarine
  • 1 Teaspoon Vanilla Extract

  1. 1.       Sift all the dry ingredients together, all except the sugar. It makes the pancakes airy and soft.
  2. 2.       Add the sugar.
  3. 3.       Add vanilla and margarine and half the water and whisk together.
  4. 4.       Gradually add the rest of the water until thick, but pouring consistency.
  5. 5.       Heat frying pan, under high heat but reduce it to medium-low. I used margarine, but you could use whatever your heart desires.

N.B Make sure you oil the pan for each pancake, they will get stuck if you don’t.
N.B These pancakes are really soft and fluffy and will break apart if you make them too big.

