Friday, June 14, 2013

New Blog Reveal :: Treasured

It's a little hard to a blog reveal when it's already revealed the minute you click on here! However, I still have to do this post to kiss my 1st blog, Raha and Life goodbye. It's served me well the past few years but I really felt like a change was necessary.

To remind you of what it looked like, 

 This is the before shot, and...

This is the after shot.

But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us.
2 Corinthians 4:7

I was praying asking God for a name for this new blog and for whatever ministry I'll start and this morning, treasured just flew into my mind. One of the songs that really impacted my life this year was Jesus Culture's "Sing my Love" 

"Words could never say the way He says my name He calls me lovely // No one ever sees the way He looks at me He sees me holy // Words could never hold this love that burn my soul Heaven holds me, oh heaven holds me //
You would not believe the way He touches me He burns right through me // And i could not forget every word He said He always knew me // The earth could never hold this love that burns my soul Heaven holds me oh heaven holds me"

This song spoke directly to me. I'd never imagined that God could look at me and call me lovely or see me as holy or love me ferociously or tell me that He's always known me. Then coming across these 2 verses in Deuteronomy. In case I ever doubted it, here it is in black and white, we not only have treasure in our hearts; but He calls us His own treasure. We are treasure in and out. We are treasured people. So this is what I want this blog to be about. To be a reminder of all these things. To re-teach my heart what it means to live like I'm loved and to share my lessons along the way.

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I hope you like the new site, can't wait to interact with you all more.

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