Monday, April 2, 2012

Worship - Jesus Culture

Right now I'm so into worship. I feel like I've tapped into that new life that's all the rage in Christianity :-)
Definitely gotten a lot of inspiration. I've grown closer to God just through these songs. I've written some songs of my own...or at least I'm trying to. That ooooold dream of writing and singing is slowly coming back. I just feel great, even when I'm not great because my faith has just been slowly growing. I've learnt lessons like "His love never fails" and "His love is unrelenting" and by now you should know which band has been such a major inspiration....


I love these guys!!! The worship is so heart-felt. The voices Kim Walker-Smith and Chris Quilala are awesome. Don't even get me started on Chris Quilala, the guy sings, plays guitar, plays the drums-multiple types of drums I might add...(umm, hello God, mind cutting the future hubz from that mold?) And Kim's voice, she can go really high, she can go really low, her ad-libs just help you totally lead you into worship. (Umm, God, if I were ever to be a worship leader could you help me do that?)

Apart from the singers, guys, the musicians are amazing. Jeff Kunde on the lead just have to hear it.

So the next few blogs are generally going to be directed toward worship and these guys. I leave you with...
You're Love Never Fails....I love that first part where Chris sings and Kim's background is perfect not too overpowering.


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