Tuesday, April 3, 2012

What's Been Happenning

Hey guys I know I havent posted for like a week, but it's been kinda tricky since I've been right in the middle of exams. But here's what's been happening

  • I've been working on a couple of messages that I'll get out here in the next few days
  • I just finished a proposal to start a Campus Ministry for my school and I'm sending it out to the relevant "authorities" as we speak. I don't know if anything will come out of it right now, but it was good training ground, and it'll be a good pilot program to learn from as Bent Reeds Ministries about planting outreaches.
  • Came across an amazing speaker Brandon Lee, who goes by Whizpopping on YouTube. Here's a video of Brandon speaking about how we are a new creation once we accept Jesus into our lives. He talks about how we shouldn't condemn ourselves and quit the race just because we still sin after getting saved. He talks of how sin has become a habit/muscle memory and we just need to renew our minds and how to break old habits of sin. I loved it, I'm sure you will to.

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