Saturday, August 30, 2014

How to Own Your Singleness - Part 2

Yesterday, I introduced the topic on how to enjoy your single life. Truth be told, I can probably add 10 more points to this list - proof that there is great joy to be found in this season of life. Here's part 2, let me know in the comments or #lifestartsnow if you do one of these.

6. Travel
Even if it's just a 30 minute road trip to see a waterfall in a neighboring town. Roll the windows down, turn the music up and go. I'm lucky to have traveled quite a bit over the past year and I remember my first night ever in a hotel room by myself in Dubai. I've never felt more exhilarated in my life. I explored and got lost in my hotel and laughed trying to find my way back to my room, I ate a bunch of food, I took a long bath, I sat out in the balcony and breathed in a new felt good, I felt free. Anyway, point is do some exploring! It's great to share experiences with someone but it's also really exhilarating to do some things on your own.

7. Let Go of Desperation & TRUST God's Timing
It's easy to be desperate and clutch onto every word and every glance, every introduction and every coffee date thinking it will lead you to the one. Learn to let go and trust God's timing. Statistically, you will get married at some point. Forget statistics because they don't really know the heart. God knows the heart and exactly what our hopes and desires are. For example, mine is to be pursued from the very beginning. I know it's against the whole, "millennial independent woman" thought process and I've seen the skeleton "waiting for the perfect man" memes; but I also know He knows it's a big deal to me and it's what I personally need. In order to be pursued though, I have to let go of the desperation and stand on God's timing.

8. "I Love You" is way better than "I Want You" in the long run
In other words, love feels better and lasts longer than lust does. I want to meet someone who will see me and want to know me and fall in love with the person I am. I want to meet someone, know them and grow in love with them. Wanting them should come as a result of loving them. If I want someone before I know enough to fall in love with  them, then I'll want a lot of people in my lifetime. All attractiveness aside, I want to trust that their "I Love You" is sure and unwavering because that is a beautiful thing.

Friday, August 29, 2014

August 2014 Insta-Recap

#loved #thankful #freedom
 Oh hello there, long time no see, what do you have for me today #traderjoes #grocerytrip

Friday Night Service turned into 2 and a half hours of worship and a fire tunnel, I saw 1 girl's back problem get 80% better and another girl in another group taking her first steps after getting prayers for a degenerative disease #comeonJesus #perfectalignment #IWillExalt

Room makeover complete for under $25, I got a great queen bed for $25 from a lovely family and picked up a shelf for free in front of somebody's house ;-) and got the other black bookshelf from my amazing housemates #collegelife #budgetliving #prewealthliving ;-) ready for the school year!

Bill gave every family a free copy of his new book today, my (current) family of 1 was happy to grab one ;-) other than that it was a spectacular service and I got to see Brian and Jenn lead for my first time ever :-) #happysunday

this is just a little bit of the hill that leads up to church, I biked up this hill last summer and walked up this hill many times after that rain or shine. I walked up this hill felt like dying, sometimes crying, mad, sad, still doing it anyway because it was worth it to me and I guess this hill represents my life here at #Bethel & in America. It's worth it living my dream and all, but frustrating with no freedom, no money, unable to legally work & pay back my family, no idea if it's going to be worth it in the end, my "recent graduate" years passing by when all my friends back home are settled in careers and getting married while I (supportively) stay lonely (yet surrounded by amazing guys who won't pursue) and it's a frigging high scary hill to climb. This year though, my great friends & my super mom made it possible for me to get a car - an amazing car I ♥ for the year. God is so good and so faithful! I just have to exercise the same faith in my figurative trekk up my hill. That somehow God is moving and a miracle is lying on the next corner. #bssm
joannefuraha Oops sorry for the long post #externallyprocessing
michelle_eshiwani God is moving ,and your miracle has already arrived.Begin thanking God for all the marvelous things that have began working in your life. You're destined for greatness love and the best part is That God has done it for you ,receive it and posses it.You deserve it
joannefuraha @meshiwani Thank you babe I totally do & same for you. Love you sooo much!...

I give you all of me, you give me all of you #nothingiswasted

As Long As You Don't Let Go Of The Ropes, You're Still In The Game #boxing A lot of times we discount people for living with 1 foot in the church and 1 foot out. We say "she's such a hypocrite I just saw pictures of her grinding in the club last night what's she doing in Church today". We fail to recognize that 1 foot in the church is still 1 foot IN. In our hastiness and false perfection we edge those feet out and push them into the world instead of drawing them in with love and compassion. Yes the ultimate decision needs to be made by them but making them feel guilty for their process doesn't help. As for us, we need to remember when those 50/50 pre-believers finally do believe and all their sin is swept away and forgotten, the parts that God will remember will be the moments they had their foot in church, holding on, trying to find Him in their process.

Ok I'm on #adifferentworld binge so be ready for a bunch of quotes. Old tv shows have a lot of wisdom (and romance) ;-) #whitleygilbert Julian: Are there any more important dates that I should know about? Holidays? Anniversaries? Symbolic rituals? Whitley: Well, there's February 15th... Julian: The day we met. Julian: I have a present for you Whitley: Oh! You're giving me the world! Julian: And that's just the beginning :-*

Just saw this old cash register at a Jeep dealership that's been running in Redding for almost 60 years. I thought it was pretty cool #vintage

Pre Friday Night Service selfie in honor of my bestie @meshiwani who gave me this statement necklace for my going away present and because when it comes to jewelry nobody's got anything on her love you babe #outandabout ;-) ;-)

If you're able to watch last night's service by Dawna DeSilva, I would. I really, really, really recommend it. Friday Night Service August 15th on If you don't have a subscription, it's the best $1-$3 you'll spend #bethelredding

you have to respect people's journeys and also realise that all the voices coming at you mean nothing if they don't hold up to what God says you are. You need to filter the voices coming at you...sometimes, at least for me depending on the source, its easy to hear the "you suck you're a failure" more than God's "You're Awesome! You're my winner!" Just because its easy doesn't mean its good, right or healthy. His voice needs to be the loudest one I hear, He knows me best, He knows parts of me nobody else knows, right? #tryingtogrowup #process

A sweet new friend at church made me cookies because I mentioned last week I was homesick ♡♡♡

Pre-service selfie, excited to head to #thesix #JesusInRealLife

had a spectacular day today, really I can't even begin to describe it, so thankful to finish it off by picking this little gem up...I may not be able to buy anything for a while after this unexpected purchase, but I believe it's gonna be so worth it! A musical journey into the heart of God by one of the best. Ya'll go out and get this! #steffanygretzinger #theundoing

someone needs to tell my mum I made ugali that actually looks like ugali and of course it happened when I wasn't in her house to prove it...a picture will have to do #kenyanfood and representing my current location, what's more American than water with berries in a #masonjar with a bendy straw?

tackling some interesting topics on the blog today... Sex, Media & Feminism - My Open Letter to Beyonce. Link in profile or

today on the blog, a topic near and dear to my heart "How to Own Your Singleness" should be a fun read, be sure to hit that share button :-) link in profile or #singlelife

took more than an hour to wash, but never has a chore been more joyous #THANKFUL #jeepinit
a new friend introduced me to #RootsJuiceBar I got the mean green machine (which I christened Mama Joan's juice because my mama would love it) it had kale, apples, ginger, green peppers and a bunch of other good stuff

quit taking a raincheck on your life waiting for the next season to fully live! #lifestartsnow link in profile :-)

Property Management in Kenya

First published on Dream Properties Ltd. Website on  7 August 2013

The Real Estate sector in Kenya is attracting some heavy investment opportunities from a vast number of people and for those people investing in Real Estate, one question you are likely to face is whether or not to contract a Property Management Agency.
To be quite frank, you might wonder why you need to hire someone to do this work for you when you can use that money to invest in your next venture. However, looking closer at this issue you realize that a property manager comes with a wealth of advantages, namely:

  • Better screening and quality of tenants
  • Better collections and accounting
  • Better service and responses provided to residents
  • Less turnover (no matter how many people you know, their rolodex is probably just as good if not better)
  • Better repairs and maintenance systems (with all licensed and insured workers! So a lot less liability on your part)
  • Better handling of legal issues
Factors to Consider Before You Hire a Property Manager
  • Comparative proximity to the property, or their willingness to travel to the property
  • Number of units under management
  • Time it’s taking you to turn over the unit (find another tenant when one vacates)
  • Your record keeping abilities
  • Response rates (are you open 24/7/365?)
  • Maintenance and repair systems
  • Handling tenants’ collections, evictions, etc.
  • STRESS! Most people would find the job unnecessarily stressful especially when it’s not your career and you have other interests on the side.
  • Freedom and more time to pursue your other interests
How to Find a Good Property Manager
  • Fees, (most companies offer discounts for multiple units and recommendations),
  • Accounting system and record keeping e.g. will you get monthly statements from them? Are they in charge of paying repairmen/contractors so you never have to stop to write a check?
  • Policies on collecting and setting rents
  • How they handle inspections and repairs, tenant marketing, screening and retention,
  • Number of units under management
  • Time it’s taking you to turn over the unit (find another tenant when one vacates)
  • Your record keeping abilities
  • Response rates (are you open 24/7/365?)
  • Maintenance and repair systems
  • Handling tenants’ collections, evictions, etc.
  • STRESS! Most people would find the job unnecessarily stressful especially when it’s not your career and you have other interests on the side.
  • Freedom and more time to pursue your other interests
How to Find a Good Property Manager
  • Fees, (most companies offer discounts for multiple units and recommendations),
  • Accounting system and record keeping e.g. will you get monthly statements from them? Are they in charge of paying repairmen/contractors so you never have to stop to write a check?
  • Policies on collecting and setting rents
  • How they handle inspections and repairs, tenant marketing, screening and retention,
  • Examining the company size, staff, systems, experience, reputation, etc.
  • How organized and automated they are.
What You Can Do To Help a Property Manager Do Their Job Well?
  • Listen
  • Follow our advice or at least take it under advisement
  • Be reasonable
  • Take care of your properties, especially when asked to.
So, we’d love to know, do you have a property manager? If you don’t have one yet when do you think your goal is to get one? Remember, this is one of Dream Properties core functions, so contact us and we’ll get you sorted.

GEMS: Growth Enterprise Market Segment

First published on Dream Properies Ltd Website on 23rd July 2013

We could soon own shares in some of our favorite SME’s. Yes, you read that right. This is as a result of the CMA together with the NSE and the CDSC launching the Growth Enterprise Market Segment (GEMS) in January this year. The Segment aims at providing a more facilitative framework for Small & Medium Enterprises (SME’s) to access listing of the approved securities exchanges.

A great example of a listed small comapany is Home Afrika, a property developer here in Kenya whose shareholders recently assented to the company’s bid to establish a Sh10 billion consolidated fund. This fund in addition to the use of REIT's will finance Home Afrika projects as well as its expansion into other countries in Africa.

One of the great results will be deepening of the market & increased investment opportunities in Kenya. So, before you head down to your next business meeting or go off for a round of golf with your associates, allow me to break it down for you, just so you can face the question, “Are you planning on listing your business yet?” well armed.

What exactly are GEMS?
GEMS market is a platform that can be used by growing companies to raise initial and on-going capital provided by the public, while also benefiting from increased profile and liquidity. It’s an alternative method of harnessing savings at a regulated environment to suit their needs. The main aim of the GEMS counter is to create an avenue for firms with high growth potential to access venture capital through public markets to expand their businesses and raise their profile. GEMS is the easiest counter to get listed on because the entry barriers are set much lower than those of the Main Investment Markets (MIMS) and Alternative Investment Markets.

What Types of Companies is Eligible?
The GEMS is open not only to the SME’s but also a broad spectrum of companies whether they are large capitalized entities or small companies.

Why Should I List My Company?
I. Access to capital to fund acquisitions as well as for growth (You can also use your listing to expand your market for example into the rest of Africa)
II. Boost your public profile with customers, suppliers, the media and investors.
III. Create value and liquidity for shareholders; because your company’s value is independently assessed, shareholders can realize their investment, liquidity is stimulated and your shareholder base may be broaden.
IV. You may offer share incentives (stock options) to employees to encourage commitment and improve productivity at work.

Costs & Benefits?
I. Stamp Duty: Exemption of stamp duty and VAT on the transfer of listed securities for the Investor and no stamp duty payable on share capital or increase in share capital of a company listed on the exchange for the Company.
II. Tax Incentives: Kenyan Investors and members of the EAC pay a withholding tax of 5% on dividends while foreigners pay 7.5%. For the Company: 40% issued share capital listed tax rate 20%(5yrs), 30% issued share capital listed tax rate 25%(5 years), 20% issued share capital listed tax rate 27%(3 years)
III. Legal Costs: Legal and other incidental costs relating to introduction is corporate tax deductible.
IV. IPO Costs: Tax deductible to both investor and company; therefore leaving more value to shareholder
V. ESOPS: CIS set up by employers on behalf of employees to invest in listed shares is exempts from income tax
VI. Capital Gains Tax: Suspended for investors for listed companies

What Do I Need to Qualify?
I. Incorporation status: Public company registered under the Companies Act.
II. Minimum Authorized Issued and Fully Paid up Share Capital KES 10 Million ($114,168.00)
III. Shares in Issue At least 100,000 in issue.
IV. Pre Listing Accounting Requirements Audited accounts for one year of operations (no profit requirement)
V. Post Listing Share ownership: Within 3 months of listing, at least 15% of the shares must be held by not less than 25 shareholders (excluding employees of the issuer or family members of the controlling shareholder)
VI. Track Record, profitability and future prospects prior to listing, audited accounts for one year of operations. There is no requirement to have made a profit, during this time.
VII. Working Capital and Solvency: Adequate amounts of WC for at least 24 months after Listing
VIII. Number of Directors: Five directors, one third non-executive. The directors must have completed the Directors. Induction Programme (DIP) or must complete the same within 6 months after listing. They also should have had no bankruptcy, fraud, criminal offence or financial misconduct proceedings for 2 years
IX. Board and Management Experience: At least one years’ experience running the business.
X. Lock-in Period: Controlling shareholders cannot sell for at least twenty four (24) months, their entire stake

Sounds Great So Far, So How Do I List?
To list on the GEMS counter, a company is required to retain a nominated advisor (NOMAD) by appointment through a written contract. A NOMAD is basically a firm or company which has been approved by the Nairobi Stock Exchange as a nominated adviser for the Growth Enterprise Market Segment (GEMS) and whose name has been placed on the register of nominated advisers published by the NSE. Only one NOMAD should be contracted and retained prior to listing and through the entire period of listing onwards. This is also a requirement as good corporate governance practice.

Where Can I Find a NOMAD?
NSE registered nominated advisors are listed below:
 African Alliance Investment Bank
 Burbidge Capital
 CBA Capital
 Emerging Africa Capital
 Faida Investment Bank
 Kingdom Securities
 NIC Capital
 Standard and Mutual
 Dyer and Blair
 Standard Investment Bank
 Horizon Africa Capital Ltd.
 AIB Capital Ltd.
 CFC Stanbic Financial Services.
 Dry Associates

Hopefully these points will help you make a bit of a well-informed choice when it comes to this venture.

Kenyan Home Security Industry

Written for Dream Properties Ltd. Website, first published on 11 July 2013

We’re a few days into the month and if you’re lucky money has come in. Unfortunately money has probably also gone out. One of the people who might have gotten a chunk of it is your Home Security Provider, or as we might know them, “That watchman at the gate.”

With the level of insecurity in the world today, an investment you need to make is with protecting your physical assets from theft and damage. Most gated communities have a guard to open and close the gate for you but have you checked out their credentials? Do you know their names and ID numbers? How ready are they to combat a gang of criminals should they come chasing after you? Will they protect you and your family or be the first ones out of the gate running away?

Most of us would agree that we would do everything within our power to protect those we love. Sadly though, often times, we get what we pay for and for most of us that’s a professional gate opener and closer. It only takes 1 minute or lapse and the worst consequence may be released. 

It’s time we, in our different communities need to resolve not to take a chance with home security services. The Kenyan Security Industry is well established and most Kenyans can name several reputable security companies in the market.

Many neighborhoods now are banding together to resource for a professional security company (a quick Google search can set you on the path to a good one) to ensure the safety of their property and families – and maybe also to ward off any threat of crime or violence.

Be sure to check that your chosen company has all the relevant insurances including the efficacy (failure to perform) insurance, and make sure they offer 24/7 response, on every day of the year. 

Make sure to regularly audit their services and ensure efficiency. Another good tip is to request the company to circulate the guards after a period of time. In the end, these are still strangers and as much as it’s great to build a rapport with a good guard, it’s equally important not to have a bad guard be too familiar with your schedule.

Be sure to check out some of our furnished properties which do come with security support.

The Effect of the 2013 Budget on Kenyan Real Estate

I wrote this for Dream Properties Ltd website, first published on 2 July 2013

A major downside to the highly anticipated budget unveiled last month is the new taxation mode that might put off any new real estate investors. Property developers have been raising concern over this issue since the unveiling of this year’s budget when National Treasury cabinet secretary Henry Rotich said the government will re-introduce the capital gains tax.

The resounding fear is that it will take a lot of time and resources to make a single transaction because of the new KRA procedures and legal fees which will come up with the new taxation mode. This will have a negative impact on the cost of housing and the consumers will have to bear the burden.

Most developers agree that real estate is still a growing industry and should be given support. Developers need to be encouraged and the taxation mode should not be seen as a move to oppress them. 

Capital gains tax was abolished in 1985 to encourage investments in properties and securities. But these sectors have grown significantly compared to 30 years ago. Kenya is ranked the 10th economy in Africa and first economy in east Africa and possesses a unique location and resources like the port of Mombasa that attract investors who are able to reach other countries easily. The reintroduction of this tax means that the taxman will take his share whenever land, houses, stocks, bonds and other marketable assets change hands. 

Henry Rotich explained, “This will allow wealthier members of our society to also make a token contribution toward our national development agenda.”

Serviced Apartments in Nairobi

I wrote this for Dream Properties Ltd website, first published on 18 June 2013

One of our biggest requests here at Dream Properties comes from international travellers or resident families of international travellers looking for temporary housing for the length of their stay in Kenya. In our years offering these services, and getting feedback from different sources, we’ve learnt a couple of things that you may find helpful.

Do your research. Most people who stay in serviced apartments reside in rooms prepaid by their employers as part of a work trip but, it does you good to check the place out beforehand or arrange your own accommodation because you might be looking for a “home away from home”, only to find it’s quite the opposite. Ask your company to hire a professional real estate firm (such as this one) who will do the leg work for you, sometimes even taking pictures for your approval and looking for the best deal for you. Some things you might want to be pre-aware of are: Is the room on the ground floor? If so, is it a reasonable distance from the main gate &/or parking lot?

Safety & Security: These apartments are normally located on the outskirts of the CBD away from the hustle and bustle of the city centre. It’s good to get details such as the entrance and exit points, information on procedures in the event of an emergency, printed details of how to summon the assistance of emergency services, ask your realtor if there’s an adequate level of lighting for safety and comfort in all public areas, including sufficient light on stairways and landings.

Get value for your money. It’s tricky for visitors to find affordable mid-range price and quality accommodations especially because most of the apartments you would find doing your research online seem to be a little steeply priced, but don’t be disheartened, travelling to Nairobi affordably is very possible (Also remember, we are here to help you find the absolute gems just waiting to be discovered)

For Owners of Serviced Apartments, my piece of advice is to keep it simple.
  • Make sure the room smells nice, keep the windows open before their arrival, get some air freshener or light a candle. This is one of the 1st things that will decide of the guest will be a one-off or loyal customer.
  • Make sure the room is painted in bright, homey colours. This affects the mood and general appeal of the guest.
  • Leave the cheap motel décor to cheap motels. One example; no mirror on the ceiling over the bed!
  • Regardless of the size of the bathroom, make sure it’s clean, the shower curtain is clean and effective (i.e. No water spilling all over the floor) and
  • bright. A mirror is also great.
  • Tell the guest about any amenities you offer as soon as they check in. If there’s a pool, sell that, if there’s a welcome basket, either hand it to them as they arrive or leave it in their rooms, don’t deliver it the next day.
  • Organize the services. It’s not a good experience to have the maid banging on a guest’s door to see if the room was occupied at 6 a.m.
  • Develop feedback mechanisms: a guest book, a dedicated customer service representative etc. All these tools would give a guest an adequate sense of security especially since they’ll know where and to whom they can address any issues.
Check back here for more great tips and tricks, and to start booking your trip reservations, please contact us or send us an email and we’ll get back to you.

Happy Travels.

Real Estate Investments Trust (REITS) - an investment opportunity for every Kenyan

Written for Dream Properties Ltd, website first published on 5 June 2013
Good news for those of us who've been trying to get a foot in the door in the Real Estate Market. With good reason too; Kenya's property values are on an upward trend towards becoming among the best in the world. Interest rates for developments are on the high, rents have increased by as much as 3.8% and there's still room for growth as the middle class increases and the lower segment seeks better housing.
Investing in income-generating real estate can be a great way to increase your net worth. In come REITs, (pronounced:reets) or Real Estate Investment Trusts. Simply put, REITs are corporations that own and manage a portfolio of real estate properties and mortgages. Anyone can buy shares in a publicly traded REIT. Trading will be regulated by the CMA (Capital Markets Authority). They offer the benefits of real estate ownership without the headaches or expense of being a landlord or property developer.
The CMA has been pushing for establishment of public REITs in Kenya for years and we might see this come to fruition, following in the footsteps of South Africa, Ghana and Nigeria in the African Market.

Why Should You Be Excited?
The biggest advantage of REITs is that they are exempt from Double Taxation: no corporation tax, no VAT on rental income or on professional services, no capital gains tax, no stamp duty on purchase/sale/transfer of properties and no income tax. The only tax burden will be withholding
  • tax on interest income and dividends. But, of course we'll see early on if the CMA ensures the KRA sticks to these incentives.
  • Another is REITs will enable mobilizaton of savings from individuals and groups, i.e. you as an individual can invest sums as low as Ksh. 5000 depneding on the structure of the REIT ofcourse and your chama can invest even larger than that.
  • Developers will be able to go to the CMA for funding which means lower interest rates for developments i.e lower mortgage rates for you as a buyer after banks follow suit and review their rates downwards.
  • Liquidity; unlike actual real estate property, these shares can be quickly and easily sold.
  • Diversity; because you're investing in a portfolio of properties rather than a single building, you face less financial risk.
Types of REITs
There are different types of REITs: Equity REITs purchase, own and manage income-producing real estate properties such as apartments, malls and office buildings. Equity REITs are different from typical real estate developers because they purchase or develop real estate to operate it as part of their portfolios instead of developing it for resale. Equity REITs are considered superior for the long-term investing because they earn dividends from rental income as well as capital gains from the sale of properties.

Income REITs primarily owns properties that are net leased to single tenants.
Mortgage REITs loan money for mortgages to real estate owners or purchase existing mortgages or mortgage-backed securities. Their revenue is generated primarily by the interest that they earn on the mortgage loans. Mortgage REITs react more quickly to changes in interest rates than equity REITs because their dividends come from interest payments.
Development REITs specialised in producing more Residential Properties that are in short supply.
Hybrid REITs are a combination of two types of REITs (Income and Development or Equity and Mortgage). They both own property and make loans to real estate owners and operators. Hybrid REITs earn money through a combination of rents and interest. The proposed framework in Kenya is to use the Hybrid model which comprises of Income REITs and Development REITs.

Expected Structure of REITsEach country has it's own framework by which REITs are operated, what we expect in Kenya (subject to change) is:
  • Listing on the NSE as close-ended trusts. (Closed-end, it can only issue shares to the public once and can only issue additional shares, which dilutes the stock, if current shareholders approve it. Open-ended REITs can issue new shares and redeem shares at any time.)Development property should be restricted to 15% of the REIT value, this helps restrict the risk that coomes with developing property.
  • Majority ownership will be allowed up to 50% for the primary sponsor. All other investors stake should be restricted to a maximum of 25%
  • A minimum of 100 shareholders will be required for a publicly listed REIT to help ensure liquidity.
  • 90% of the income shouldbe distributed to shareholders as dividends
  • The CMA is also expected to set the minimium value of a publicly listed REIT to Ksh. 50M for low-medium cost housing and Ksh. 500M for high-end housing/non-residential properties.
As a smart investor you need to check out a few things before jumping in on the bandwagon:
  • The area of the investment: some things just won't work, like building a high-end mall in a low-income area, so be smart, consider the demographics.
  • Remember past performance is no guarantee of future performance, so look past initial dividend payments. At the end of the day, investing is still risky business, it could go up, it could go down.
  • Be wary of high yields. If there have been excessive capital gain distributions, this can be a sign that the income is coming from nonrecurring events and will not continue for long. Make sure the REIT is not selling off properties to provide income, because future rental income will be affected.
  • Consider what you're looking for; REITs can provide both current income and long-term opportunities.
  • Due diligence checks including checking out the REIT's management, professionalism, integrity etc.
So, eager investors, keep your eyes out for this, it might just prove to be a great opportunity.

We Moved!

How to Own Your Singleness! - Part 1

At a recent Young Adults meeting at my Church, I learned that "people who love their lives are characterized or marked by ownership. We can't gain any traction in life until we become owners." (Quoted from Jeremy Riddle) I am definitely guilty of waiting for the next season so my life can begin. So I started thinking, what can I do to maximize and own my life where it's at right now? I came up with a list of things and here's a few of them.

1. Have a Big Yes
As you should know by now, this is my go to advice to any problem. Have a big yes in your heart because a strong yes is your best no. I can't be in 2 places at the same time. In saying yes to owning my life in this season, I'm saying no to moping around and feeling sorry for myself because I have no one to watch 24 reruns on Netflix on a Saturday night with.

2. Realize That Your Life is Marked by a Lot More Than Your Relationship Status
Steven Furtick put it best this past Sunday, "Singleness and marriage are both gifts but they are not The Gift; the real gift is Grace. It's gonna take grace for our selflessness, faithfulness, commitments, relationships, all of it to work. The same grace God gives people for marriage is the same grace He gives to single people. Some of you are so focused on the gift you want from God that you're missing the grace He's giving you right now." That's the gift we should be contending for: a life marked by grace.

3. Become The Person You've Always Wanted to Be
I want to be a woman marked by God's Grace, I want to live in confidence of Him and who He is in my life, I want to be generous and kind when no one's looking, I want to go above and beyond for strangers without expectation, I want to be focused and determined to bring to pass what He put on my heart - that's a girl I'd wanna not make single, haha. So, who do you want to see when you look at yourself in a mirror in a month or a year or 10 years?

4. Sort Through Your Past
This is the best time to find out what makes you tick and get some counseling or inner healing if you need it. True, some issues will only become apparent after you're in a relationship or in certain situations, but most things, you can deal with right now and make life that much easier when you move to the next season whether that's dating, marriage or staying single.

5. Be Fully Present in Your Current Relationships
Develop deep family connections where you are right now. Move beyond the surface and let yourself be fully known and seen by a group of people who love you and want the best for you. The older you get, the more family you should have because family isn't just the people you share blood with, it's the people you love and that love you back. Pray for God to set you up with some spiritual parents, sisters and brothers, people who'll have your back.

Be sure to check in tomorrow for part 2 of this post!

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Sex, Media & Feminism - My Open Letter to Beyonce

Dear Bey,

I jumped off your bandwagon.

Before any of your bees come a stingin' in reply to my post, hear me out.

I was sorta cool with the whole, "I transform into another person, and this other being comes out of me and I named her Sasha Fierce". I defended you against all the "Illuminati" drama that surrounded you after watching your documentary and seeing how many times you attributed your success to God. Now though, it's just not worth it to me.

Someone on my Instagram posted a video on their feed from one of your concerts on this tour. Crazy costumes aside, you basically wiggled and showed everything plus the kitchen sink in front of HD cameras for all the world to see. It's no longer about clever lyrics or enviable choreography in high heels, now it's string undies - and I mean string - and barely covered behinds. I'm all for sexiness and I applaud you totally for making women around the world feel sexy and confident no matter what the shape of their bodies or color of their skin is. You have done a great thing for women, for me personally as a black woman. But honestly, there has to be a line drawn somewhere and you've crossed it.

This whole new album and the explicit videos, I just don't get it. I mean, how can this be healthy for anyone or any marriage. You've got it. You're a game changer. All these "PYT's" coming up are just trying to live up to you and your talent and you are SO talented. You are probably one of the best vocal talents of our generation and a songwriting genius. You are a voice honored and respected by many and so many people look up to you. 

You added this line to feminist Chimamanda Adichie's TEDx talk which wasn't in the original speech "We teach girls that they should not be sexual beings in the way that boys are". And boldly declared your FEMINIST stance. Well now, we ought to be teaching our boys not to be sexual beings in the way that women are because if we go on like this, with absolutely nothing left to the imagination, what sort of world are we heading into?

Feminism in my humble view is about defining, establishing and defending equal rights between men and women. Catchy anthems won't be enough to raise the standards if you don't model them in your own life. Catchy anthems will fade away but what you show through your life, that's what people will remember. You can't just talk a good game Bey, you gotta actually be.

You are setting a standard I can't live down to. I don't think men are going to be performing naked anytime soon and while they get more suave and sophisticated in their suits and ties and designer labels for their performances, you inspire us to keep degrading ourselves and becoming objects men ogle and view as sex symbols rather than people. The complete antithesis of feminism.

I mean have you seen Amber Rose's outfit to the 2014 VMA's? Or Rihanna's sheer everywhere dresses? Don't! This industry now is 70% porn, 20% marketing and 10% explicit music. It's hard to live in a world like that, it's enough of a battle to fight for purity by setting up filters on my computer, but this is People magazine, Youtube & every channel on TV.

Beyonce, Nicki Minaj, everyone, I don't need to know what goes on in your bedrooms, come on!

I get it. Your definition of feminism as confidence in your sexuality and owning it. By all means, own it! Don't give it away on the media silver platter. That would speak volumes louder for feminism than pin up posters in man caves and teenage boys bedrooms. In the same breath I would warn that placing your confidence on something as wavering as how tight and right your body is and many times you can wind, grind and twerk per minute is a very bad idea.

Being a woman in a man's world isn't just about equal wages, it's about respect. More than that it's about honor and value. I don't care if women top the charts or we get the promotions just because we are women. I care about being valued and honored and respected first because I am a person and second and most importantly because God made me a gifted woman and that is a pretty awesome thing.

I have no right to speak into your life, you are probably never going to know I exist, but I do respect the voice and position you have over this generation, and I pray that somehow the tides will shift and this public sexual craze will stop being how you or the rest of us are defined.

Once A Fan,

Saturday, August 23, 2014

How to Fight Fair

The world is unprincipled. It's a dog eat dog out there! The world doesn't fight fair. But we don't live or fight our battles that way - never have and never will. The tools of our trade aren't for marketing or manipulation, but they are for demolishing that massively corrupt culture. We use our powerful God tools for smashing warped philosophies, tearing down barriers erected around the truth of God, fitting every loose thought and emotion and impulse into the structure of life shaped by Christ. Our tools are ready at hand for clearing the ground of every obstruction and building lives of obedience into maturity.
2 Corinthians 10:3-6 (The Message)

Kris Vallotton said something really funny on his Facebook page this week. He was talking about how he always believed that the people who didn't like him didn't like him because they simply didn't understand him. This week though, he came to the realization that some people do understand him, they just can't stand him.

I guess we all come to that point growing up. The point where we realize that God loves us, we love ourselves, we are worthy of love and some people love us, but not everyone will like us. Not everyone who used to love us will end up liking us, for example, that childhood BFF you used to have until you quickly found out forever meant your first year of college (o-0)

I read a lot of books. One book that really put into words what I believe about connection, communication and boundaries is Danny Silk's Keep Your Love On*. We all have to pick our own core values and life rarely allows us to disagree with someone we hold the same core values with, so how do we handle it?

1. Have a Big Yes
As you should know by now, this is my go to advice to any problem. Have a big yes in your heart because a strong yes is your best no. I can't be in 2 places at the same time. In saying yes to my desire to maintain a healthy connection, or at worst to break the connection in the least hurtful way, I'm saying no to my desire to prove I'm right and they are wrong.

2. Stick To Your Core Values
Just because someone else (it's always someone else ;-) ) doesn't fight fair doesn't mean we should follow suit. The moment you step out of your values is the moment you lose credibility in front of yourself and the other person. Honor and value. "we don't live or fight our battles that way - never have and never will"

3. Always Remain Humble and Peaceable
The tools you derive from your values should not make you feel superior or better than another person. It's not about being right and the other person being wrong. We never grow that way. It's not about you being a doormat either and letting people walk all over you. Aim to take what you can use for growth and run with it while at the same time, not letting the other person rob you of your joy or (God-given) identity.

The goal is restoring the relationship and rebuilding trust, not making the other person believe what you believe about the situation, about who (you think) they are or about you. "The tools of our trade aren't for marketing or manipulation"

Hope this helps!

*You can find Danny's book at the Bethel Store, Barnes and Noble or on Amazon

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Endless Ocean by Jonathan David Helser

In the beginning
You were singing
In the end you will still be
Singing over me
In this moment
You're right beside me
Everywhere you're in the air that I breathe

You are an endless ocean, bottom less sea
You are an endless ocean, bottom less sea

In my sin
You kept loving
Theres no end to your forgiveness and mercy
Every morning 
You keep coming
The waves of your affection
They keep washing over me

You are an endless ocean, bottom less sea
You are an endless ocean, bottom less sea

Al those angels
They are swimming in this ocean and they still can find no shore
Day and night night and day they keep seeing new sides of your face

You are an endless ocean, bottom less sea
You are an endless ocean, bottom less sea 

Oooh, ooh, oooh, oooh

There's no end to the affection you have for me
There's no end to the affection you have for me

Wednesday, August 20, 2014


OK, so where do I start? Well if you're here from my old blog ( then you pretty much know me, but just in case you're new...

Well, my name is Joanne. I am 24 years old currently living in sunny Redding, California. I am a student at the Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry (BSSM), you know Jesus Culture, Brian and Jenn Johnson, Bill Johnson, Bethel Music, yeah those guys. I also just graduated college where I studied Marketing.

I am extremely passionate about Jesus and my pursuit of Him has led me across the world and back. Basically, my life was changed when I fell in love with Him and He just makes me happy :-) I LOVE my mom and she is my everything.

I love to write, blogs, articles, stories, music etc. One of my long term goals/20 year plan is to be a full time writer & speaker hopefully about love, relationships and family. At school I'm learning a lot about identity, connection & communication, and those things really resonate with my heart. I love music a lot! I tried learning to play guitar and piano...still trying, but I do like to sing.

I am also passionate about community. Getting around amazing people, fathers and mothers and amazing friends. I love to laugh and sit together and talk and have chill moments with people I love. My perfect evening is me and a couple of friends, cozy lighting, good conversations, music and food.

So that's basically what this blog is going to be about. All things good in my life, in my faith, in beauty and in lessons learned along the way. Hope to see you around!

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Dear Dad...Take 5

Dear Dad,

It's been 5 years now. I don't know how this works, but I am hoping you're busy up there and God pulls you away for a second to read this letter.

I really just wanted to honor you today. To make sure that you knew you weren't forgotten.

I love you and I miss you immensely. I try and remember the way you smell, the way you smiled and laughed, the jokes you cracked with mom watching the news. I remember Sunday's going to buy the newspaper with you and how you always bought me fudge chocolate. I remember watching the small hand reach "5" and going to sit out on the curb waiting for you to get home from work and you would swing me high in your arms. I remember being forced to go upcountry with you but always being so happy to see you fit in and love being in your childhood home. I remember you waving to people on the sides of the road and feeling like a celebrity because everybody in Nyeri, it seemed to me, knew you.

I remember you working out back every weekend, building and creating. I remember all the photographs you took. I remember never needing a repair man or a painter or an electrician in our house because you did it all and you did it well. I remember putting up Christmas decorations and birthday decorations and the birthday parties you always insisted I have. I remember you tapping on the window when you were barbequing to say, "wee, kuja". In other words, "come get the grub." I used to get so annoyed because you were interrupting my TV watching every 5 minutes, but I would give up every DVD I own for a chance to hear that annoying tap on the window and seeing you tasting some nyam chom. Here's one thing I failed to appreciate, you carried celebration. I don't think I've celebrated much since you left.

I remember you insisting that mom get me chocolate for our last valentine's together. I remember your sadness that you couldn't buy me better looking earrings than the ones I last showed you (PS, I was offended that you didn't appreciate my taste!) You showed me a new side of you, the dad you always wanted to be and I'm sorry we didn't get a chance to live in that reality longer than we did.

I carry no regrets. I carry no hurts. I carry no daddy issues. God has done a good job fully taking over as Dad where you left off. He's been sorting me out. For a while there, I blamed Him for letting you leave us, I felt like He had let me down. Now I realize that God has never let me down. He can't let me down...ever. What happened, broke my heart. It is what it is, what it isn't is "from God to make me strong".

Everybody says that you would be proud of me, but the thing is, I just don't know that. The one thing I wish I had, was you to tell me those words. It seems the older I get the more I need someone to tell me "well done" or that I'm doing a good job. Those are words you just need a dad to tell you. Again, God has sorted me out in a way. I am surrounded by a band of fathers and mothers here at Bethel who say those words to me. I guess it's time I started believing them. Maybe in believing them, I honor you.

However this works, this is to let you know, I value who you are to me. You are my dad, without you I wouldn't be here. I am proud to be your daughter. You were an amazing man. History will remember you fondly.

Your Daughter.