Friday, September 13, 2013

The More You Grow, The More You Know

I wrote about how Kris taught us a couple of days ago that even in our world, when we promote someone we protect them. Some of us walk around like, 'oh, I'm being so attacked I must be doing something right', NO! Attack is not a badge of honor!

Well, I feel so strongly today along those lines that when God promotes you or brings you to a higher level in Him, it's not temporary. The Bible says we move from glory to glory. Not, glory to junior glory to senior glory in an up and down or roundabout kind of way.

2 Corinthians 3:18 But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as from the Lord, the Spirit.

The verse implies going up higher. The more we see Him, the more we know Him and the more we know Him, the more our eyes are open to His glory, the more our eyes are open to His glory, the more we are transformed from glory to glory to glory to glory.

I felt fear and unsure of myself over the past couple of days praying. A part of me feels like I shouldn't be praying because God has already given me more than I could ask or think, so what more could I possibly pray for? Thing is though, there is so much more "riches in His glory". The more I grow from glory to glory, the more what I had in the previous glory doesn't match my needs in this new glory. I need for my love to grow more, I need more of His presence, I need greater favor today than I had yesterday, hey, maybe you sold your car last week to pay your tuition but today you need a car and God wants to give you one. Growth is inevitable and with it comes more to ask for and pray for.

This is such a powerful truth to walk in yet we waste our time feeling undeserving. I get it, we've seen so much go wrong with the "prosperity gospel" pastors, that we discard the fact that we do in fact serve a prosperous God.

I'm learning not to be tied down by material things, but at the same time, trust in my royalty and daughter-ship enough to know that what I need, I can ask for and He will gladly provide. I'm learning that if I'm faithful to God, realize that ALL I have is His, and I'm just a funnel through which He can bless others, God will show me that I can't out give Him in my own life. If I genuinely love and care for others and sacrifice myself to bless them, how much more does God love me and will open up Heaven to bless me? It doesn't matter if He blessed me yesterday, He will still bless me today.

I refuse to not pray, to not be intimate with God and share my most random desires with Him because of fear or because I've put a cap on how good He's allowed to be to me. And hey, if it's an issue of greed, isn't it best sorted out in His presence anyway?
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