Thursday, September 12, 2013

Notes & Stuff

Bill over the past 2 days spoke on John 3 and 4. Yup, I call him Bill now, we're buddies like that, it'll be Papa Bill soon, you just wait! Hehe.

Anyway, some of the notes I took were as follows - mind you, it's so hard to take notes in Bill's classes because everything he says is so classic, you want to write it down, so this barely skims the surface. I tell you, I love my school so much!

  • Faith brokers God's dominion over the inferior/world realities
  • The devil is only empowered by human agreement
  • We are tasked with the responsibility of looking for the devil's fingerprint and erasing it
  • The devil will only counterfeit things of great worth
  • Prayer should become partnership not begging
  • The Father looks for worshipers, those who worship in spirit and in truth - not for worship
  • Love is a choice. The God of love chooses the best for us, which is transformation from glory to glory. So he draws us into relationship where we see and worship
  • Jesus won't show up in the middle of the stage in the middle of worship because He is looking to train people who have freely willed to be trained by Him. When we freely decide to go after Him, He will shape our hearts through partnership with the Holy Spirit. If He hits the stage, all worship is involuntary. He looks for our will to carry out His purposes so we can have partnership.
  • God values the renters. He comes in by invitation.
  • Evangelism in its purest form is an overflow of worship.
  • Faith over the seen is unbelief
  • When our 2 worlds collide, this world gives way. Our job is to cause that collision (between heaven & earth)
  •  In private cry out to God, in public take risks

Then Kris Vallotton did a Q&A on some of the topics he hit yesterday on Core Values. I LOVE Kris. Honestly just love him. If you've been following me on Facebook over the past 2 years, you know half my Status Updates were re-posts from Kris Vallotton KV Ministries. He's even more amazing and funny in person.

The thing he said that I remember best, was this conversation:
Kris: Who is the most protected man in the country?
Students: Umm, the president?
Kris: Exactly! Even in our world, when we promote someone we protect them. Some of us walk around like, 'oh, I'm being so attacked I must be doing something right', NO! Attack is not a badge of honor!
Students: Yeah! Good Word Kris! Come On! Haha, or something like that.

There is SO much more! I can't type it all up :-)
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