Sunday, September 28, 2014

Passion Dies When...

Every week, I listen to a couple Church's podcasts and I thought it would be fun to add those here on All Things Good, because, trust me, they are good. Steven Furtick is one of my favorite preachers. Elevation is currently on a sermon series dubbed, "Meant to Be" and this is the third sermon of the series.

For better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health . . . These are the vows we take when we get married - but in our current culture we don't always understand the depth of the covenant we're making. In marriage, two are supposed to become one. So why do so many couples struggle with staying together? In part 3 of our series Meant To Be, Pastor Steven explains four ways our life-long relationships are challenged - and shows us how building an anointed marriage begins with the debt-canceling grace of Jesus.

Main Points
Passion dies when:
1. Celebration becomes Frustration
2. "We" becomes "Me"
3. Debtors become Collectors (Matthew 18:20-29, once you have a payback mentality, it's very hard to get out of it. Maybe the guy hadn't fully accepted the grace He just received and was trying to still pay him back. If you insist on living under the system of payback, you'll always be paying back.)
4. Covenant becomes Contract

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